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3574 fatwas

  • Islamic Teacher Refusing Advice from Students

    Salam. Is it permissible for an Islamic teacher who has students (males & females) for him to inform his students that he does not want any advises? .. More

  • Obscene Words do not Necessarily Lead to Apostasy

    As salamu alaikum. My question is, if someone says a obscene language while talking to Allah (SWT) will it be considered as apostasy?My husband and I was having a fight and he was very rude and inconsiderate to me. I was very hurt and remembered all the bad things he said or done to me. I felt like I could not live with him anymore. In frustration,.. More

  • Using Inappropriate Words

    Salam. 1. Is it permissible to say "What the heck"?2. Is it permissible to say "Dang" and "Dang it"?3. Is it permissible to say "Darn" and "Darn it"? .. More

  • Evidence that Masturbation Is Forbidden

    salam. i know the opinion adopted in this site is that masturbation is haram. however, there are scholars who considered this act allowed or at best disliked. what is the proof behind their position? .. More

  • Implementing the Hadd is not a Condition for a Valid Repentance

    Asalam o Alaykum!!!( Please reply to this question) I have three questions regarding same issue. I know this question has been raised by so many people and you have answered it so many times on your website and I have seen all of that. But I still have Slight confusion if you can clear that Firstly- If a person does some sin liable to Hadd or Tazir.. More

  • Raising the Voice When Speaking to Parents who Are Far is permissible to raise voice to parents because far distance between me or them?(so they can hear my voice clearly)..Or it is obligatory for me to go near them everytime if the cannot hear my voice clearly..thanks .. More

  • Repetition of Breaking the Oath

    Assalamu alaikkum . I am hanafi according to Hanafis oath of disbelief considered as kufr if I made oath saying I will become kaafir if do such thing and if I believe that I will become kaafit by doing that or if I really intend that will become kaafir by doing that I will become kaafir . So I believed and I broke the oath . So I made tawba. Said sahadha.. More

  • Repeating Soorah Muzammil a Set Number of Times

    Assalamualaekum.I have a question regarding Surah Muzzammil or any surah.My parents, especially my mother, always insisted to read Surah Muzzammil 40 times to increase wealth or to get a job opportunity. She also insists on reading Panch-Surah book and read wazeefa's to get benefited. Its known to me that doing such acts are innovation. I just wanted.. More

  • Repent Even If You repeatedly Sin

    I feel like I do not fulfill all the requirements when repenting for certain sins as two of the requirements are 1. Give up the sin and 2. Be determined not to do it again 3. Regret the sin. But for some sins such as not lowering the gaze, due to leaving in a non-Muslim country sometimes I fall into this sin and when I repent I feel as though it is.. More

  • Made an Oath not to do something otherwise he Becomes a Kafir

    Assalamu alaikkum please give me an answer without sending link plz . According to hanafi rulling I made an oath as I won’t do such thing when ever I do I will commitshirkor kufr and I will become kafir .i was ready that time I was ready to do it happily and and I was ok with it doing shirk and kufr and being kafir I was ready to do it Now I broke.. More

  • Obscene Words Contradict Good Morals

    As-Salamu Alaikum. I went through your website and found an article, the end of the article, it listed out foul language "bit_ _," "bast_ _ _," "hell," "damn," "as_," and "pis_." I myself do not use those terms, except "hell" in accordance to the Quran and Sunnah. What I mean is.. More

  • An Oath to Donate

    Salamuaalaikum as Rahmatu Allah wa barakatu, I made an oath by swearing in my prayer to Allah that I would never ever do a certain thing (a certain sin) again and that I would donate 10000 € if I will do it again. Despite that I did the sin again. I read that the expiration for breaking an oath is to feed 10 poor people. Do I have to feed the ten.. More

  • Protect your family from Hell

    Salam. I would like a ruling if it is permissible to look at a Sheikh of his family who are committing sins? If a person is a Sheikh he has to make sure that his own children and wife are conforming to Islamic rules? .. More

  • Repenting From Watching Forbidden Videos

    If someone(male/female) watches & listens forbidden videos on YouTube , then tawba from heart, will they be forgiven by Allaah even if their "views" are recorded on YouTube & seen/witnessed by others? Is it enough, if someone do tawba from heart ,seek forgiveness & stop watching & viewing those ? Or should they also remove those "counted.. More

  • Lying to Avoid Military Service

    aslamualeykum,as the case mentioned in fatwa number 326500 mandatory military service for women in non-muslim country what is the ruling in making fake marriage contract(making marriage contract with the intention of divorcing and not leaving as wife and husband)so as to get rid of mandatory military service or national service which has a lot of ruling.. More