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3574 fatwas

  • Failing to find righteous company

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. What should I do if I am unable to find a righteous company? Either I find sinners, or I find innovators. Should I mix with these bad people to fill the gap, or should I keep by myself? .. More

  • Using an object whose owner cursed

    Assalaamu alaykum. If someone says, "Damn it," whether deliberate or not, to an object, does it become haram for him to keep it in possession? Also, I wear a robe that covers until my thigh and a long loose skirt when I pray at home. If someone were to peek from exactly below the robe (which of course does not happen), my ʻAwrah (what should be.. More

  • Copying someone's signature with his permission

    Assalaamu alaykum. Suppose that I need to withdraw money frm my account and I cannot go to the bank myself, so my brother goes to the bank and copies my signature on the cheque with my permission to withdraw money, is that allowed? .. More

  • Taking knowledge from people of innovation

    Is one allowed to take knowledge from internet pages which belong to the people of innovation? If not, then what should I do given that I took most of my knowledge from there? Am I obliged to renew all my knowledge, or is it valid? .. More

  • Islam encourages husband to help wife with her chores

    Assalaamu alaykum Shaikh. I have read one of your recent fatwas about men doing household work. I am little bit surpised and shocked that if the husband gives water to his wife for washing her hands it is shameful for him! Can you explain please? If the wife is sick and the husband takes care of her by himself, is it also considered serving the wife.. More

  • Returning Salaam addressed to other person - Using exclamation 'Jeez'

    Assalaamu alaykum. I have 2 questions: 1. If I hear someone give the Salaam greeting to another person (not me), do I have to answer it? For instance, if I hear a stranger say the Salaam to a person beside him (not me), and I am nearby, should I answer it too (in case the person did not answer his Salaam)? 2. Is saying "jeez" sinful? As we know,.. More

  • Salaam greeting should precede any other speech

    Assalaamu alaykum. I have a question regarding this hadith: "The Salaam is to be said before asking any questions, so whoever asks you a question before giving the Salaam, do not answer him." Is it Saheeh (authentic), and does it apply in all situations? For example, what if my parents come to me and ask me a question without starting with the Salaam? .. More

  • Fear of harming non-Muslim neighbor by reciting Quran daily

    Assalaamu alaykum, Scholar. Bothering the neighbor is a major sin. We live in Spain, in a house in which our neighor and us are separated by only a thin wall. I am currently memorising the Quran, so I memorise and revise almost every day, which means that I raise my voice, since memorising and revising with a low voice is not the same. I also raise.. More

  • Refraining from greeting person one had fight with

    Assalaamu alaykum. If I have a verbal fight one dayin the street with an unknown person whom I have never met before, and then some other day, I get to meet him for the second time, is it a must to at least greet him with the Salaam? Can I not refrain from talking to him at all? .. More

  • Unintentional backbiting

    Assalaamu alaykum. I have two questions regarding backbiting: 1. If a person backbites another person accidentally, unintentionally or out of forgetfulness, does he still bear the sin of backbiting? 2. If the backbitten person does not get offended of what was said behind his back, then does the backbiter still bear the sin of backbiting? May.. More

  • No specific Quranic verse to help find person

    I have met a good Muslim sister a few years ago, and she asked me if I would marry her. At the time, I was not ready for marriage. However, I now realized that she is a good match for me in terms of the religion. I have been looking for her for the last three years, but without success. Is there any prayer which I can recite to find her or get news.. More

  • Joking about bad conditions in one's country

    Assalaamu alaykum, Scholar. In Algeria, things do not work well. Algeria is very dirty (I mean the streets and the roads), and there are many other things. Sometimes we make fun of the country regarding the things that happen in Algeria which should be the opposite of what actually happens in Algeria. We also make jokes. However, notice that we do so.. More

  • His parents always nag about him getting better paying job

    Assalaamu alaykum. I am a B.Tech engineer; I currently work in the Middle East and earn a fair salary. I live with my child and wife here. I manage to give some amount to my parents; my father still works in a company. Whenever I speak to my parents, they are sad that my salary is not that much compared to so-and-so. I always make the point that whatever.. More

  • Sending greetings of peace to person with another person

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu, Shaykh. Is it allowed to convey one’s Salaam (greeting) to another individual? For instance, my friend says to me “Send my Salaam to your mother and father;” or “Give my Salaam to your uncle when you reach your home.” This method of conveying one’s Salaam to another individual is very widespread.. More

  • Father denies sons share in house which they all paid for

    Assalaamu alaykum. I have a question. My father-in-law build a home (meaning that he paid someone to build it), and my husband and his brother helped financially to build the home. The home is in my father-in-law's name. My father-in-law now denies today that my husban and his brother gave a lot of money for this home. He says that the home is all his... More