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3574 fatwas

  • Lying without necessity

    Assalaamu alaykum. When I complained about the reduced speed of my internet connection to my internet service provider, I told him that I was getting maximum 138 kB/s speed of internet, which was 2-3 kB/s less than the actual maximum speed that I was getting (actual speed might be 140-141kB/s). I told a lie to him so that he would increase my net speed... More

  • Parents pressuring son to divorce his wife

    Is everything in life predetermined? If someone gets divorced, is that part of their decree/destiny? Even if it is a choice, how is it the woman's fault if her husband's parents are ordering him to divorce her and refuse any reconciliation? The couple has a baby. The girl's family tried endlessly to achieve reconciliation, but the husband's family does.. More

  • Violating someone's rights requires apologizing to them

    Shayhk, do I have to apologise for trespassing? For example, if I used someone's apartment swimming pool and I see some dropped money and I check my pocket and I see that a bill missing and I feel that it is mine, can I pick it up? .. More

  • Child asking parents to supplicate Allah for him

    If I ask someone to supplicate for me, like my parents, does that mean that I miss the chance of being among the 70,000 who will enter paradise without judgement? If so, then if I did ask people to supplicate for me, do I still have a chance of being among the 70,000? .. More

  • Saying that someone was 'born by mistake' because of hating him

    Assalaamu alaykum. I unintentionally said that a man (who was the president of India) was born by mistake. Later, I realized that this sentence is not correct because Allah gave him life. I said that only because I hate that person. Does it constitute disbelief to say something like that? .. More

  • Doubting number of Athkaar one has recited

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. I often forget how many times I have recited each of the three Quls in the Athkaar (expressions of remembrance of Allah) of the morning and the evening. So how can I complete those then? Should I take the smaller possible number? Sometimes,I have no idea about the number. .. More

  • Women talking about sex for fun at weddings

    Is it allowed to talk openly about sex (sometimes about what happened in one's own bedroom or sometimes in someone else's experience) in a room where there are only females? Is it allowed to have fun talking about these topics? Please tell me with authentic hadiths if this is haram and worthy of punishment. It is a tradition to talk about sex in a fun.. More

  • Wife contacting parents without husband's knowledge

    I live in the USA, and my parents live in Pakistan. They miss me very much. I do not have a phone. My husband does, but sometimes he is too busy to attend my parents' calls. My mother mailed me a cell phone with a connection, but my husband returned it. My parents are old, and I have not met them in five years. I have some money; can I buy a cell phone.. More

  • Deliberately evoking sexual thoughts to ejaculate

    Assalaamu alaykum. I recently had a wet dream, but I stopped myself from completely ejaculating. After I woke up, I feared that this may be harmful to myself, so I purposely thought of sexual fantasies while lying in bed in a certain position, and I ejaculated (I did not masturbate or anything like that). Am I sinful? I only did this fearing for myself,.. More

  • Doubting faith of one who boasts of his sins

    Should someone who boasts of his sins or does things that are seen by some scholars as Kufr (disbelief) doubt his faith? If the others are right, would he enter Hell forever? Please answer this question, because this would solve all my problems. May Allah, the One Who can punish sins or forgive them and Who is the Only One Who worthy of being worshipped.. More

  • Not replying to messages from friends is not deserting

    Assalaamu alaykum. I have so many friends. They often send me messages. Usually, they ask me about school tasks and assignments. Or it can be anything. My question is, if I do not reply to them, not because of anger or hatred, but rather because I do not feel comfortable talking to the person or I am too lazy to reply because of my business, is this.. More

  • Asking hypothetical questions is disliked

    Assalaamu alaykum rahmatullaah, dear Brother. If I were in the situation that there are only three people in this world: my mother, my wife, and myself, and my mother and my wife are drowning in the sea, and I can save only one of them. Who should I save? Please reply in the light of the Quran and the Sunnah. May Allah reward you. .. More

  • Making pronunciation mistakes in some statements

    Assalaamu alaykum. What should one do if one makes a slip of the tongue in prononcing certain phrases? For example: if a person accidentally says "Alhamdulilaah" (praise be to Allah) incorrectly and then realizes soon after, are they obliged to repeat themselves with the correct pronunciation? If they are not obliged to do so, would it be better to.. More

  • Ibn 'Abbaas did not divulge secrets of intercourse

    Assalaamu alaykum. Shaykh, I read a hadith which says that some people went to ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Abbbaas, may Allah be pleased with him,asking him about coitus interuptus, and so he called his slave girl and asked her to tell them. How come ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Abbbaas, may Allah be pleased with him,called his slave girl in front of non-Mahrams (permanently.. More

  • Failure to fulfil vow to fast three months in three years

    Assalaamu alaykum. Sir, my question is regarding making a promise to Allah, the Exalted, and then not fulfill it. Before my marriage, I prayed to Allah that if I would get married to such-and-such, I would keep 30 fasts every year for the first 3 years of marriage (apart from Ramadan). Praise be to Allah, I did get married to that desired person with.. More