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3578 fatwas

  • Asking hypothetical questions is disliked

    Assalaamu alaykum rahmatullaah, dear Brother. If I were in the situation that there are only three people in this world: my mother, my wife, and myself, and my mother and my wife are drowning in the sea, and I can save only one of them. Who should I save? Please reply in the light of the Quran and the Sunnah. May Allah reward you. .. More

  • Making pronunciation mistakes in some statements

    Assalaamu alaykum. What should one do if one makes a slip of the tongue in prononcing certain phrases? For example: if a person accidentally says "Alhamdulilaah" (praise be to Allah) incorrectly and then realizes soon after, are they obliged to repeat themselves with the correct pronunciation? If they are not obliged to do so, would it be better to.. More

  • Ibn 'Abbaas did not divulge secrets of intercourse

    Assalaamu alaykum. Shaykh, I read a hadith which says that some people went to ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Abbbaas, may Allah be pleased with him,asking him about coitus interuptus, and so he called his slave girl and asked her to tell them. How come ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Abbbaas, may Allah be pleased with him,called his slave girl in front of non-Mahrams (permanently.. More

  • Failure to fulfil vow to fast three months in three years

    Assalaamu alaykum. Sir, my question is regarding making a promise to Allah, the Exalted, and then not fulfill it. Before my marriage, I prayed to Allah that if I would get married to such-and-such, I would keep 30 fasts every year for the first 3 years of marriage (apart from Ramadan). Praise be to Allah, I did get married to that desired person with.. More

  • Thinking about women without ejaculation

    I apologize for repeatedly asking questions about the same topic, but I think that you may have misinterpreted my last question. In your answer, you said, “Deliberately thinking about women in order to obtain pleasure by ejaculation is not permissible.” However, when I think about women, I do not ejaculate. So my question is: is deliberatelythinking.. More

  • Adult man asking parents to buy him pair of shoes

    Assalaamu alaykum, Scholars. I am 19 years old, and I love my parents and do not provide for myself. I hardly ever ask my parents to buy me things for mere pleasure, and I do not like to do this; rather, I feel that it is disrespectful. Recently, I saw a pair of shoes that I love (for a reasonable price: 30€, more or less) and would like to buy, but.. More

  • Disclosing one's disabilities depends on what serves his interests

    Are people with any kind of disabilities/impairments, regardless of their age, obliged by the Shariah to: 1. Inform the Islamic teacher, in a school or as their private tutor, that they have a type of defect? 2. Inform the shaykh in one's masjid that they have a type of defect if they at times meet with him? 3. Inform the shaykh/Mufti/Islamic.. More

  • Story of man who kept voluntary fasting hidden to achieve sincerity

    Bismillaahi Ar-Rahmaani Ar-Raheem (in the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate)! I once heard a story from a scholar of a righteous man who fasted for 20 years (on the days of the Sunnah) and did not tell his wife (for the purity of his intentions). Have you heard of something similar as well? If so, can you give me the reference.. More

  • Injustice to the wife is a major sin

    Allah says in the Quran that the wife has similar rights to what is against them according to what is reasonable. What I understood is that these are the rights which the man gets through obedience and the wife gets through kindness because she cannot command the husband. What I am asking is whether being unkind to one's wife is a major sin or a minor.. More

  • Ruling on reciting 'wazifa' in a specific manner to fulfill a need

    Assalaamu alaykum. I want to ask you is there any side effects of 'wazifa'. I did 2 wazifa's for 6 days in order to create love between me and my partner. The first wazifa was of reading Surat Al-Jum‘ah 7 times along with 'darood Ibrahim' 3 times before and after Surat Al-Jum‘ah. The second wazifa was for melting his heart for me, which was starting.. More

  • Saying ‘Bi-ithnillah’ in supplication

    What is the ruling on saying 'bi-ithnillaah' (by the permission of Allaah) or 'bi-idhnika' (by Your permission) while supplicating? Does it take the same ruling as 'Istithnaa’' [i.e. (saying) Allaah willing] while supplicating? And if it does take the same ruling as Istihnaa’, then what if a person said it (more than once) in his supplications because.. More

  • Greeting person or supplicating Allah in his favor hoping they would do us a favor

    Assalaamu alaykum. Is greeting any Muslim with the Salaam or supplicating for them when we want a favor from them a kind of showing off? .. More

  • Collective Thikr after prayer in Masjid

    In our masjid, the muezzin says the supplication for the azan out loud, and then he says "Salatus sunnah", and after the imam has made the Tasleem (ending the prayer with the Salaam greeting), he says, "Allahumma antas salaam..." out loud. After the prayer is finished, he says "Alaa Rasuulinaa salawaat"; everybody does this, saying, "Allahumma salli.. More

  • Husband prevents wife from Tahajjud prayer

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. What is the ruling on a man who prohibits his wife from praying Tahajjud (voluntary night prayer) and similar voluntary prayers with the claim that it disturbs him? .. More

  • Meaning of ‘forming the intention in the heart’

    What is the meaning of forming the intention in the heart? Is it silently thinking in one's mind before starting that deed that "I will do this deed for the sake of Allah to gain reward"? Example: Before reading Islamic books, should I silently think "I will gain knowledge for the sake of Allah to gain reward"? Is making this type of intention worship.. More