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I first thank you very much for this wonderful website. May Allah bless you and reward you for every thing you have done in this great website. I just have some question I hope you would help me answer them. - Is dreaming of the future a bad thing. Left me explain like I would set by my self and start imagining how my future Gonna be like how I would.. More
Is pedicure and manicure permitted in Islam? All done to beautify women and these things help her to look beautiful!.. More
Is removing part of the eyebrows forbidden in Islam? What about hair on my legs? If a woman has very hairy legs and the husband does not like it, can she remove them? If so please give me the proper references... More
I know that it is Haram for a female to pluck her eyebrows, although there is 1 Hadith which states that she can do so for her husband.However, I have heard that if a female suffers from poor self-esteem, low self-confidence, and hates her appearance, due to the way her unplucked eyebrows change her appearance, it may be permissible for her to pluck.. More
I know that my question was already asked and I read the reply that plucking eyebrows is not permissible. I stopped doing that and I feel depressed because it really looks horrible. The only think, I want to know is do some scholars authorize it because I regularly watch Iqra' and Religious programs and I saw TV program guests who are Head of Sharia.. More
Please tell me the Islamic ruling regarding cutting/trimming of women's hair in beauty parlors... More
I was wondering about wearing make-up, like eyeliner or lip-gloss outside of the house. I know that we should not display beauty, but I have also heard that it is important to look nice in Islam, for Allah loves beauty, and that Muslims should always be clean, wear nice clothes, etc. I was wondering about wearing eyeliner, since my eyes are very small.. More
Can I wear nail polish while during the Salat? Is it forbidden to use that product even if mine is not coloured?.. More
I would like to know if Muslim girls are allowed to shave their legs.
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What does Islam say about the woman or man who colored his hair, and for a young man who has a white hair and he wants to make color, is it forbidden (Haram)?.. More
I have heard that it is not permissible for a woman to cut her hair, also that her hair shouldn't be cut in a way which show her ears. I want to know how a woman can cut her hair according to Sharia... More
I need to know the ruling on wearing the colour red (such as a shirt). Is there any evidience that it is not permissible?.. More
What is the fatwa on dying grey hair, beard and Mustache?
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Are we allowed to pick out the excess hair from our eyebrows? Please answer quickly... More
Can I have my wife shave her legs, and can I shave or trim hair of my legs and back. Is it permissible in Islam?
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