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I know that it is prohibited to pluck the eyebrows as the Prophet
cursed the one who does so but is it permissible to pluck underneath the eyebrow line itself where there are stray hairs as I feel this does not change the shape of your face. Bearing in mind that this is underneath the eyebrow not the eyebrow it's.. More
I recently had my curly hair treated in order to make it softer so as to manage it and I would like to know is it permissible in Islam for a male to use products to help manage their hair (water entering the scalp). .. More
In your Fatwa: 82657 you mention that a wife should not neglect her 'makeup'. Please expand upon this concept of 'makeup'. I am currently under the understanding that beautification of one's self with makeup is not allowed if it is displayed to the general public and is considered a form of lewdness - a wife should only display her beauty to.. More
I live in part of Nigeria where school girls are forced to cut their hair like boys. Does this affect their Islam? .. More
If a tattooed male wanted to convert to Islam and promised not to get anymore tattoos would he be accepted as a follower of Islam? .. More
I've read that the one who is a tattooer and the ones who get tattooed are cursed by Allaah. But if the tattooed repents getting a tattoo and tries to follow the book of Allaah and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, will he or she be forgiven or excused for it pending on how much Eemaan they gain and is it better.. More
Why are tattoos banned in Islam? No they don't affect health, nothing will happen to you if you get a little tattoo. Also, if it affects Taharah, that is not true. Does God Al-mighty care about a little centimeter of dotted skin? .. More
1) I have a doubt about using braces for teeth, recently I read in an Islamic book that we cannot beautify our teeth by cutting there are using artificial teeth, etc., but I would like to know is it forbidden to wear braces also because my teeth are out of shape so I would like to use braces.. Can you please suggest me the right advice.
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I would like to know the ruling on a Muslim woman wearing her hair in a high bun (on top of her head), like bridal hair style for example... More
I have all of a sudden started to grow a few white hairs and Subhanallaah, I am only 20 years-old. May I please have some advice to not worry about them. I've heard that it's a sign from Allaah but what does it mean? Is it a bad thing or good? If you could please answer I would be thankful. .. More
Is it Haraam to use gel and spike the hair?.. More
I heard a tape of Shaykh al-Albaani where he was asked by Shaykh al-Huwayni about a woman that naturally grows a beard. Shaykh al-Huwayni asked Shaykh al-Albaani if the woman could shave her beard but the Shaykh replied with the negative and insisted that she should not. Is this the common opinion among Muslim scholars?.. More
Whats the rule of a woman keeping long hand nails and clean? .. More
Why did the prophet use grow his hair long? Why should we follow it?.. More
My friend has thin white hairs in his moustache. He is very young and he is about to be married. Can he dye those hairs black to look better? Some people said that it is not permissible to dye the hair black. Is it true? Regards. .. More
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