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Assalaamu alaykum. if a guy knows that the girl he intended to marry has a liking for men with slightly long hair and he grows his hair longer so that she is more likely to accept him, is that ok?
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Assalaamu alaykum. What is the ruling on using wigs and a custom-fit hair prosthesis for men who suffer hair loss? Is it the same even for non-human hair? May Allaah reward you.
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I am used to have my hair long, and I want to work in Dubai as a model. I look so nice with my hair long that people stare at me here in Algeria (including ladies), and they say that I am beautiful and handsome. Is this considered Fitnah (temptation, tribulation), and is being good-looking and letting my hair grow long considered Fitnah? Assalaamu alaykum.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. Please, I want to ask a question concerning eyebrows. I that know it is haram to pluck them, but is it okay for someone with scanty eyebrows to fill them in with a pencil, powder, and so on? Is it okay to grow hair in the scanty places using a natural oil? May Allaah reward you.
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Assalaamu alaykum. I have been told here in my locality that we should part our hair in two and say, {Guide us to the straight path.} [Quran 6:1] Is this part of the Sunnah related to combing the hair? If not, then is there any other Sunnah related to combing the hair? May Allaah reward you.
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Assalaamu alaykum respected Scholar. I wanted to ask whether a man can cut his eyelashes in order to look good or if it is haram? I did not do it, but it is a question I have in my mind. Please guide me. May Allaah reward you.
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Is it haram to use makeup pencil to fill in empty spots in the eyebrows? Basically, it means taking that pencil makeup and coloring in spots in the eyebrows.
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Assalamu alaikum. Is it permissible to use a corset trainer to train the waist to get a more feminine bodyshape? There is no surgery involved, just a corset you use around your belly and waist to grt it smaller, but it can give you another permanant waist shape theb the one you were born with. It makes you lose fat around the mid, but also gives you.. More
Assalam o alaikum My mother owns a ladies' beauty parlour, having about 25 employees. We have already discontinued full body waxing and full body bleaching. But she has 2 questions: 1. We read on islamweb that shaping the eyebrows is haram unless there is a deformation which needs to be corrected. A. Should we discontinue the eyebrow service altogether?.. More
What is the Sharee'ah-ruling on a woman who shortens her hair in order to look beautiful before her husband?
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Is it permissible for me to dye my hand with a black dye that is used in dyeing gray hair?
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I am a man who recently got married, and I hope that you could advise and guide me to the right path. I have heard that the woman can dye the pubic hear as a means of adorning herself to the husband.
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Is it permissible for a Muslim – male or female – to use solarium to change the color of skin?
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Is wearing artificial eyelashes prohibited by the Sharee'ah?
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Is it permissible to pierce the ears of a young child or boy? Is it true that Imam Ibn Hanbal used to wear earrings when he was a child and that he sold them to help his mother cover the household expenses?
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