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Assalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barakaatuh Dear Brother, I am having two questions 1) regarding hair dyeing which you have already given in Fatwas but I want to know that can I use the mix color like (black & brown) or totally I have to reuse the black color. I already apply it its looking like blackish brown. Pls. guide me in proper way.. More
salaam.. please will you advise me if semi permenat eyeliner or makeup is allowed for women in islam. my husband has allowed for this but i want to know it this is allowed in islam. thank you... More
ruling on how a women should wear her hair. the hadeeth which supports it. Can a women wear her hair up at home and back comb her hair. this is in front of mahram ofcourse.. More
is it allowed to use a big hairclip if u will make it level of ur head? coz they said its forbidden for its like a hunch like camel.coz i have this hairclip and its like a flower and big.... More
assalamualaikum, respected sir what is the ruling regarding application of HENNA for males is it permissible or not if permissible which all body parts he can apply and especially during marriage ceromony can a bridegroom apply as beautification which is a trend in sub continent or as a herbal benefit can it be used
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Assalamu Alikum Wa Rahmantu Allahu wa Barakarthu
I know very well that plucking the eyebrows is haram. But I saw in some of the fatwas that is it halal if it is deformed. What is deformed exactly? I have very thick eyebrows, they are as thick as the " shahada" finger. They are shaped like a triangle. When I used to do my eyebrows, the lady had to use.. More
Is it permissible for an woman to divide her hair into two separate bundle just behind her head .. More
Is it permissible to wear dreadlocks?.. More
Asalam o alykum scholar, 3: My last question is about work, I have one year old daughter and i want to work when she start go to school. I want to work because i have my per month needs such as buying creams, cloths(not necessary that if i have only need sometimes we buy what we like) and i want to keep some money in my hand if suppose i like something.. More
Assalamu alaykum my mother is a non muslim, she as asked me to help her make a wig for herself to wear. my mother has hair on the botton of her head but is almost completely bald on the top, this is not a tempory condition, she as been in this condition for twenty years, with no improvment, just worsening. am i allowed to her her make the wig? jazzakallah.. More
Asalamu Alikum W Rahmat Allah w barakuto. Why are women allowed to cut, trim and even dye their hair different colours, but they cant trim or do their eyebrows. I mean why isnt hair considered something that we shouldnt change bc Allah has created it the way it is and we must accept it justlike our eyebrows. plz clarify the difference for me. Jazakum.. More
is it possible to have artificial nails put on your hands and still pray and do wudu.. More
Assalamualikum, Is it permissble for a woman to dye her hair black not to cover grey hairs or decieve others but rather to beautify herself for her husband? Jazakallahalkhair.. More
Asalamalaikum, Earlier I used to thread my eyebrows but after knowing it is Haram to do so I have completely stopped doing it.I would like to know is it permissible to trim a few hairs(3-4 of them) in the eyebrows as they stand out.It is just trimming the ends that stand out?.. More
(1) Is rebonding the hair (permenantly straightning) allowed? (2) Is wudu/ghusl accepted if hair is rebonded? (3) In intention of Fardh prayers, what are the important points to intend? 'I am praying 4 rakahs fard of luhar, current performance, facing the ka'ba, for Allah Most High' is correct? (4)what about the intention for Qadha prayers? 'I am.. More
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