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Is it prohibited for a man to have hairstyles, such as combing the hair back, without intending to imitate women?
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Is using hair extensions allowed for men?
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It was reported that the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, forbade combing one's hair except every other day. Does this mean that one should not comb his hair except every other day? Does this contradict the Hadeeth that reads: "He who has hair should honor it"?
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Is it permissible for men to remove eyebrow hair?
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What is the ruling on applying skin whitening cream by men to soften the skin and lighten its color? What about men using skin bleaching creams?
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What is the ruling on exfoliating the skin on the face?
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What is the ruling on removing some of the eyebrow hair for a girl who was involved in an accident when she was young in order to hide the scars resulting from the accident?
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I am about to get married, but I have a problem that makes me worry. My hair is very thin; can I wear removable hair extensions for the purpose of beautification for my husband?
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What is the Sharee'ah-ruling on a woman removing the hair growing under her eyebrows line?
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My wife suffers from hair fall. It seems that shortening or shaving the hair is the treatment so that the new hair grows in a different way. What is your advice to me?
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What is the ruling on wearing a wig for a man who is afflicted by baldness? Is it permissible to pray and perform ‘Umrah while wearing it, knowing that baldness has caused me many psychological problems, including fear of going to perform ‘Umrah?
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What is the ruling on shaving the eyebrows of infant children with a razor?
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We have heard many different fatwas about plucking the eyebrows issued by both those who hold the permissibility and those who hold the prohibition of such an act. What is the truth about this matter? Is it absolutely forbidden? What about merely removing the excess hair because in many cases it is thick and looks disgusting, especially for the husband?.. More
Is it permissible for a woman to wear a wig inside the house only?
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Is it permissible to remove unwanted hair permanently from the body, in such a way that it will never grow again, excluding the body areas where the hair is prohibited to be removed? Is this a form of changing the creation of Allaah Almighty? Please include evidence. May Allaah reward you best.
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