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1451 fatwas

  • Cloth fibers under nails in ablution

    Assalaamu alaykum. I would like to know what the ruling is on cloth fibres that get under the nails or transfer from the hijab onto the hair. Do they have to be removed before performing ablution? I was wiping my hair one day during ablution, and when I rinsed my hands, I saw the fibres from my hijab in the sink. Thank you! .. More

  • Water with which impurity was washed

    if there is impurity on my chest, for example, and I stand under the shower while this impurity is washed away, going down on to the bath through the drain, do I have to wash any body part below that then? For example, do I have to wash the feet, as the water that I washed the impurity with reached my feet? .. More

  • Shaving armpit hair instead of plucking it

    Did the Companions really pluck their armpit hair? I shave mine; it just seems like it would be too difficult to do so. Also, what is plucking the armpit hair good for, reducing odor? .. More

  • Doubting discharge of Mani does not necessitate Ghusl

    Assalaamu alaykum. I am a 22-year-old male. I am getting a white fluid discharge frequently from my penis without any sexual arousal and without any erection. But when I am sexually aroused, I get a sticky colorless fluid discharge. For the past five months, I have been doing Ghusl (bath taken in case of major ritual impurity) almost every morning because.. More

  • Having doubts about passing wind during ablution

    Assalaamu alaykum, Scholars. While I was performing ablution to pray the Fajr prayer, I had a doubt whether I passed wind or not. I thought I did not, but I was unsure. Nevertheless, I ignored it and continued performing ablution and then prayed normally. Was this correct? Was my ablution correct? .. More

  • Starting with right side when clipping nails and combing hair

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu, Shaykh. It is Sunnah to start from the right, but is it also correct to start from the right and then go from the right to the left? For example, if I start combing my hair, I start from the right following the Sunnah of starting with the right, but then what? Do I randomly comb my hair, or it is Sunnah.. More

  • Performing ablution without rinsing mouth after lip injury

    Assalaamu alaykum. I received a cut on the inside of my lip while playing soccer, but the blood was most likely very little since I do not remember tasting blood in my mouth and continued playing. Afterwards, I performed ablution, rinsed my mouth thrice, and then prayed with that ablution. Should I have rinsed my mouth before performing the ablution?.. More

  • Wiping over socks for one who doubts discharge of urine during ablution

    Assalaamu alaykum. Is it permissible for someone who often has drops of urine coming out after the ablution to then wipe over their socks and keep them on without removing them until the next ablution and wipe over them even if during the previous ablution, a drop of urine came out? I am asking this question because I used to wipe over them normally,.. More

  • Rubbing body hair in Ghusl

    Assalaamu alaykum. In Ghusl (ritual bath), I know that you have to rub the hair on the head and the beard in order to ensure that water reaches the skin underneath, but what about the short hair on the legs and the private parts? Is it sufficient to let water go over them or do you have to rub the hair in these areas too? Also, regarding the short hair.. More

  • Earlobes not part of face in ablution

    Assalaamu alaykum. Thanks a lot for all your answers. I asked for the definition of the face in the context of ablution, but the fatwa that you referred me to did not specifically answer my question. My question is: how much of the face shouldbe washed horizontally? I came to know that this should be done from earlobe to earlobe. Does this mean that.. More

  • Mere intention of nullifying ablution does not nullify it

    Assalaamu alaykum. If a person intends to nullify his ablution by using the toilet or passing wind, for example, but does do so, is his ablution null purely based on the fact that he intended to break it? May Allaah bless you. .. More

  • Using animal dung in Istijmaar

    Assalaamu alaykum. Many prominent scholars say that the urine and stool of halal animals are pure. However, in a hadith, the Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, threw away the dung of animal when it was brought to him for Istijmaar (cleaning oneself using stones or other solid materialsafter having answered the call of nature) and said that it is.. More

  • Insignificant blood from wound excused in prayer

    Assalaamu alaykum. I entered the masjid with a cut on my big toe that nearly goes completely under my toe. Before walking in, I thoroughly checked to make sure that there was no blood coming out of the wound. During the prayer, I felt some pain in my foot. When I walked out of the masjid, I saw blood on the inside of my wound. I also saw a little bit.. More

  • Wetting bathroom floor not excuse that allows Tayammum

    Assalaamu alaykum. I workmostly with non-Muslims in an office. During the prayer times, I cannot perform ablution with water in the bathroom as the floor will get wet. I am unable to perform ablution as it is very difficult to find a bathroom where I can perform ablution with water. In the above case, can I perform Tayammum (dry ablution) and perform.. More

  • Using toilet paper in purification when washing causes leakage of urine

    Assalaamu alaykum. I suffer from incontinence which lasts up to 30-45 mins after urinating. After urinating, I place an absorbent and remove it once the leakage stops, after which I proceed to wash off the impurity from my privates. The problem is that as soon as my private part comes into contact with water, the leakage begins again. What should I.. More