If someone has pain in his face or arm and is obliged to use oil or cream on them all the time, what can he do to perform the prayer? What is the ruling of this case on fasting ?
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I would like to know which is the preferred Dua that is said after leaving the toilet , is it "ghufranaka" or is it "al hamdulillahi llathi athhaba a'nil atha wa a'fani? Please reply soon,.. More
1- Can we have intercourse if my wife is in her period but the bleeding has stoped on the 4th day of her cycle?2- What should a women do if she is having problem of vaginal dischanrge all the time? Can she pray salat, fast or read Quran? Please, tell what to do?.. More
I want to ask you about drool (saliva) of swallow (kind of bird)Is it impure ? In south east asia many people mostly non-moslims drink this drool of swallow as medicines. The price of these drool is very expensive. That's why many Muslims in this area make farm of swallow's drool and sell it to non-muslim. What is your opinion, Is it Haram or Halal.. More
My mother is 53 years old, when she was 40 years her monthly period started to be irregular it came every few months, in the last 5 years it came only once, just a month ago she started taking HRT tablets (hormone replacement therapy), a week before Ramadan she saw some blood and we think it is caused but the tablets, the blood it is not red but orange/yellow.. More
I have come to know that touching the private parts invalidates the Wudu. Is it direct skin-to-skin contact, or even if the private parts are touched over the cloth that invalidates the Wudu? Sometimes it happens while getting up in Salat, the testis gets stuck between the legs and one touches them to get them out; does this invalidate the Wudu?.. More
Once again I thank you for your help and for the effort that you do through this website. My questions are regarding Najas.1) If a Najas (e.g. a towel with urine on it) falls on a book, how can I clean that book? And is letting it dry sufficient? And I do not have it on me during Salat.2) If a dog or animal urinates on a suitcase that was left in a.. More
How long does the Wudu last if one is sure that he has not lost the state of being in Wudu by urinating passing wind etc, etc? Is it permissible to perform Wudu without washing ones feet if one has been wearing shoes and socks since the previous Wudu? Say from Zuhr Wudu to Asr Wudu... More