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2405 fatwas

  • Pressing forehead hard against ground disliked in prostration

    Assalaamu alaykum. Could you please give me some advice on how to avoid pressing my forehead on the ground hard? Whenever I feel like supplicating while prostrating in or outside the prayer, I have the tendency to press my forehead on the ground, then when I get up, I feel a little lightheaded. .. More

  • Reciting Tashahhud after Sujood as-Sahw in Hanbali School

    Assalaamu alaykum, Shaykh. Thanks for responding, but your reply did not answer my question; I asked you whether is it obligatory or just Sunnah to recite Tashahud after Sujood Sahw(prostration of forgetfulness)if it is done after the Tasleem (ending the prayer with the Salaam greeting) according to the Hanbali school? .. More

  • Forgetting to sit for first Tashahhud in prayer

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu, Shaykh. I prayed the Thuhr, and instead of sitting for the Tashahhud after the second Rak‘ah (unit of prayer), I started to pray another one and then remembered that I missed the Tashahhud, so I completed the Rak‘ah and did Tashahhud. Also, while praying this Rak‘ah, I felt that the second prostration.. More

  • Ruling on praying on plane

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Our plane will take off before the Thuhr and land before the ‘Asr (at my destination). However, I fear that because of baggage collection and immigration procedures, I might not be able to pray the Thuhr within its time. In this case, should I pray on the plane? I do not think that I can combine the.. More

  • Eating insect by mistake before performing prayer

    Assalaam alaykum. I accidentally ate an insect. I am not sure whether it was a mosquito, a roach, or any other bug. I spit out as much as I could, casually drank some water, and prayed the Ishaa' later on with the ablution that I had before eating it. Was I suppose to rinse my mouth a certain amount of times before praying? Was my prayer void? .. More

  • Teaching children that prayer is similar to meeting

    While explaining the prayer to small children learning the basics of Islam, is it wrong to say the following: “The prayer is similar to a meeting. Allaah has decreed that we, humans, meet with Him five times every day. We need to prepare for these meetings just as we would prepare for a meeting with an important person on earth.” Kindly clarify. .. More

  • Time of obligatory prayers according to Maaliki school

    Assalamu alaykum. How authentic is the Maaliki view that the time for the Thuhr prayer extends to sunset and the time for the Maghrib and Isha' prayers extends to dawn? May Allaah reward you. Wassalaamu alaykum. .. More

  • Convincing disbeliever why abandoning prayer is sin

    Assalaamu alaykum. One of my non-Muslim friends asked me a very difficult question. He asked why abandoning or not performing the prayer is a crime or sin. His logic is that it is like snatching free will. He feels that a crime is something like 'harming others or doing unjust things to others only' and that it is a personal thing whether one prays.. More

  • Praying behind imaam who makes mistakes in recitation

    Assalaamu alaykum. Suppose that the situation is like this: The time for the prayer has come, if I go to the nearest masjid, I can catch the prayer, but the imam's recitation has some mistakes, even in Surah Al-Faatihah. There is another masjid in which the imam's recitation is good, but that masjid is bit farther away (about 7 min walking distance)... More

  • Missing Qunoot in Witr prayer

    After completing the Witr prayer, I remembered that I did not read the Qunoot supplication. Do I need to repeat it? Also, before ending the prayer with the Tasleem once, I was in doubt as to whether I read the Qunoot supplication or not, so I stood up and repeated that unit of prayer. Was that correct of me? My final question is whether the Witr prayer.. More

  • Prostrating when praying seated

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu, Shaykh. Yesterday, while I was praying the Fajr prayer (I was praying seated due to an illness and was bowing and prostrating while seated on a chair), I forgot to do make my prostration lower than my bowing (I strongly felt that it was almost the same). Hence I worried whether my prayer would be valid.. More

  • Missing congregational prayer because of rain

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. We have only one umbrella, so when it is raning, we have to make a difficult choice: either my father can go, or I can. We cannot go both. So who should go to the masjid? How severe does the rain have to be for us to not go to the masjid? We fear that we may catch a cold as your clothes can get wet,.. More

  • Performing many prayers with invalid ablution

    All these years, when I performed ablution, I used to first make the intention and say Bismillaah (in the name of Allaah) in my mind as we used to perform ablution in a bathroom with toilet facilities. Then I would wash my hands thrice, and then my mouth three times, then I would rinse my nose three times separately, then I would wash my arms thrice.. More

  • Praying with Tayammum due to old age

    I have a grandmother whom I have started to help to pray recently. Given that she cannot get up on her own and that moving is difficult for her, she performs Tayammum (dry ablution). I was not aware of this fact and let her pray without it at first. Does she have to repeat those prayers? Understand that she was not really practising before and that.. More

  • Missing congregational prayer because of bad body smell

    Assalaamu alaiyum, shaykh. I suffered from a strange condition of anxiety that makes my body smell so bad that I cannot go to a mosque or any other place because of this. This problem has made me antisocial. My question is: how do I relieve myself from this anxiety that causes this body odor according to Islam, and what about praying in the mosque?.. More