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2405 fatwas

  • Combining prayers to avoid OCD in ablution

    Assalaamu alaykum, I suffer from continuos Waswaas (devilish whisperings) regarding ablution, so it takes a lot of time and mental pressure for me to perform ablution each time. Can I combine the Thuhr and ‘Asr and the Magrib and ‘Ishaa so that I can pray two prayers with one ablution till I get rid of this OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder)? .. More

  • praying alone behind a row in congregation to get Khushoo'

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu, Shaykh. I have read your fatwa no. 31530 about the matter. I wish to know whether the following is a valid excuse for praying alone in the masjid behind the imam or not. Please advise. I am afflicted with magic and possession by jinn, and I am facing difficulty focusing in the prayer and having Khushoo.. More

  • Reciting Faatihah to solve problems possibly innovation

    Assalaamu alaykum. Here at our local masjid, there is a tendency that whoever has a problem, like sickness, drought, etc., comes to the imam and asks him to request the believers to recite Surat Al-Faatihah for them after the prayerso that Allaah, The Exalted, may sort out the problem. Is this according to the Shariah, or is it just a fabrication? .. More

  • Combining prayers due to old age

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Praise be to Allaah, my maternal grandmother is over 100 years old. She prays some prayers before their defined time. She prays the ‘Ishaa prayer along with the Maghrib prayer, and the ‘Asr prayer along with the Thuhr prayer. My question is: can she continue praying this way due to her age? When.. More

  • Combining prayers without valid reason

    A long time ago, I used to combine prayers together; I did this out of ignorance. My question is: were those prayers valid? And if not, then what should I do now? I used to shorten the prayers as well. Someone had told me that it was permissible to combine prayers if someone could not pray on time, so I assumed, as he did not mention anything about.. More

  • Imaam unable to prostrate leading prayer

    We need a ruling. Our imam is a memorizer of the Quran, but he has a medical problem and is currently unable to prostrate. He is the imam for the community, but he has undergone surgery on his knee. The other option is to have others, who make mistakes while reciting the Quran,lead the prayer. .. More

  • Standing in row by yourself in congregational prayer

    Assalaamu alaykum. Suppose that there is only one door and that door is beside the first row of a prayer hall. Some space has to be kept in the far right side of the first row in order to be able to pass. If someone comes and stands alone in the second row though there is space for one man to stand in the first row given that he has to leave space so.. More

  • Placing index fingers in ears when calling Athaan and Iqaamah

    I know that when we call the azan we touch our ears, but do we do the same when saying the Iqaamah (second call the prayer, which signals that the prayer is about to start)? Meaning, when we say the Takbeer (saying: Allaahu Akbar) before the prayer, do we touch our ears as well? I hope you understand the question. Please kindly answer it. Thank you. .. More

  • No need to designate imaam in intention for prayer

    If I pray behind an imam who is praying the Maghrib and I do not think to myself, 'I intend to pray the Maghrib behind this imam', so I merely intended to pray the Maghrib and joined the imam in prayer, does that affect my prayer? .. More

  • Impermissible to combine Friday prayer and 'Asr for fear of missing 'Asr

    Assalaamu alaykum. Coming March 31th (a Friday), I have an exam that will take place during the afternoon. So I was thinking of combining the Friday prayer and the ‘Asr. I have seen on your website that you have stated that that is permissible for a traveler. I will not be traveling from one city to another, but the exam center is in a place of the.. More

  • Doubting making mistake in Faatihah in prayer

    Assalaamu alaykum. I asked a question regarding making mistakes in Surah Al-Faatihah during the prayer, and this is the answer that I received: "With regard to your second question, note that Allaah is Most Merciful and Most Kind to His slaves and that He does not burden a soul beyond its capacity. It is the duty of every Muslim to fear Allaah as.. More

  • Reciting ‘Subboohun Quddoosun Rabbul Malaa'ikati war-Rooh’ while bowing

    Can “Subbuhoon Quddosoon Rabbul Malaaikati warruh” be recited while bowing instead of “Subhaana Rabbiyal Azeem”? .. More

  • Not touching knee with all fingers while bowing does not invalidate prayer

    Assalaamu alaykum. I am suffering from Waswaas (obsessive whisperings) at the moment and would like to know one thing. When I was praying the ‘Asr, while bowing specifically, my hands were touching my knees, but for a brief moment, one of my fingers was not, so I put it back into place. Is my prayer valid given that this is a pillar of the prayer?.. More

  • Intending to perform prayer while thinking of another

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Once, or a few times, I stood with the intention of praying a prayer (i.e. the Maghrib), and before I entered the prayer I had a thought which may have simply been the word ‘Ishaa'. Should this be considered as Waswaas (devilish whispers) trying to confuse me into thinking that my intention has changed.. More

  • Standing while slightly leaning forward does not invalidate prayer

    Assalaamu alaykum. I read on one website that one of the pillars of the prayer is to stand up straight. Lately, I have had trouble with doubts about my back being straight enough, so I ended up repeating the 'Ishaa' prayermultiple times because I felt my spine lean back slightly or lean forward to the extent that I doubted whether I was standing up.. More