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2405 fatwas

  • Praying with smell of garlic on hands

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu, Shaykh. I can smell garlic from my fingers/nails for even more than 20 hours even after washing them with soap many times. Is there any sin on me or did I do something disliked by praying with this smell? I use soap that is a little bit scented. (It is halal, praise be to Allaah.) I have a face wash.. More

  • Congregation made Sujood Tilaawah while imaam did not

    Assalaamu alaykum. Recently, many of the people in the Fajr prayer in my mosque mistakenly made Sujood Tilaawah (prostration of recitation) while the imam was bowing. I got confused on whether I was to add a Rukoo’ (bowing) or perform Sujood Sahw (prostration of forgetfulness). Some people from the masjid added a Rukoo’. To avoid more mistakes in.. More

  • Delaying athaan to ensure time of Fajr started

    Assalaamu alaukum. The imam of our community asked me to ask you the following question: We live in Spain, in a place where it is difficult to appreciate the signs of the time of the Fajr due to several reasons, like the light in the streets. As the prayer is invalid if one prays before its time, the imam has decided to advance the azan 20 minutes from.. More

  • Athaan not obligatory when praying at home in congregation

    I and my family pray together. When we come to pray, do we have to say the athaan, or can we just start the prayer right away? Say that we pray the Thuhr at 3 PM, do we have to say the athaan then? I hope that my question is clear. .. More

  • Swallowing hair during prayer

    Assalaamu alaykum. I had a piece of hair in my mouth and decided to wait until after the end of the prayer to remove it. When I finished my Fajr prayer and tried to remove it, I could nt find it. I believe that I may have swallowed it. Do I need to repeat my prayer? I ask because hair is not food, and I thought that the ruling might be different. Also,.. More

  • Where to place hands when praying sitting on chair

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh. Where does one place their hands while bowing when praying while sitting? Is it the same as while standing; one one's knees? Or should they be placed on the thighs? And where should the hands be placed while prostrating if one is praying on a chair and has difficulty prostrating on the ground? On their.. More

  • Using lift without permission to catch up prayer

    Assalaamu alaykum. I pray in a masjid on the third floor of a multipurpose building. There is a lift in which it is written that non-residents are not allowed to use it. 1) Now, as a non-resident, will I be sinful if I use the lift? 2) Sometimes, if I do not use that lift and use the stairs instead, I may miss the first Rak'ah (unit of prayer).. More

  • Imaam misses five obligatory prayers in his mosque

    The imam at the local mosque just got fired for not performing his job duties. He performs only one prayer, the Friday prayer, and never shows up for the other prayers, claiming that no one is there. He was terminated for poor performance. Now he is fighting back and says that he was fired wrongfully because he should be voted out and not fired by the.. More

  • Placing hands above navel in prayer

    Assalaamu alaykum. I have read in a book written by a good scholar that the Arabic word Sadr (chest) refers to the portion of the body from below the throat to the belly. So if I keep my hands 2/3 of an inch above the navel during the prayer, is that then considered as keeping the hands on the chest as the Sunnah/hadith says? .. More

  • Ruling on not observing Tuma’neenah after Rukoo’

    Assalaamu alaykum. A relative regularly misses some obligatory parts of the prayer, like standing for a definite time after bowing and so on. Whenever I tell her about that, she denies it and gets angry. Sometimes, she even thinks that her prayer is valid. What is the ruling on her? Is she a disbeliever for continuing like this? How can I advise her? .. More

  • Praying behind imaam who does not observe some Sunnah acts of prayer

    Assalaamu alaykum, Sir. The answer that you gave to the question is different. I want the exact anwer. My question is: Can a Salafi perform the prayer like Imam Shaafi'i, may Allaah have mercy upon him, performed it (raising the hands or not raising them) behind a follower of the Hanafi Madhhab (School of Thought)? I mean, can we perform the prayer.. More

  • Hearing athaan while eating or reciting Quran

    I have the following questions about the azan: 1) If we hear the azan while having a meal, is it necessary to reply? 2) If we hear the azan while reciting the Quran,should we stop recitating? And while reciting, can we give the greeting of Salaam and reply to it? 3) If we are lying on the bed and hear the azan, should we get up? 4) Is it.. More

  • Reciting verses from different Soorahs in same Rak'ah

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu, Shaykh. Would it be wrong or disliked, or perhaps an innovation if I recite those Soorahs (chapters) and verses that are used for healing sickness or magic during the prayer? I do not mean randomly reciting them, but specifically with the intention of obtaining an improvement in health or healing? May.. More

  • Ibn ‘Umar throwing pebbles at person who would miss Raf'ul-Yadayn

    Assalaamu alaykum. There is a hadith that says that Ibn ‘Umar, may Allaah be pleased with him, used to throw pebbles at people who did not perform Raf'ul-Yadayn (raising hands before and after Rukoo' [bowing]) in the prayer. Did that not cause a disturbance in the prayer? .. More

  • Finding difficulty in performing voluntary night prayer

    Assalaamu alaykum, Shaykh. A few days ago, I sent you a question regarding my inability to pray voluntary night prayers after sleeping. I told you that I still do not know why given that I checked all the ways that help one to pray at night. I think these are good. However, I was reading some quotes of righteous Imams in of Muhammad Salih.. More