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2405 fatwas

  • What to say in Rukoo' and Sujood

    Assalaamu alaykum! I sent you two questions, but you did not answer me and said that there are already similar questions. However, that is not true! The answers that you gave me did not answer my question. Please, I need an answer. I am not pleased with the answer because you linked me to other questions which did not answer my question! You can look.. More

  • Doubting having prayed

    What do I do if I do not remember the last time that I have prayed certain prayers? For example, I am not quite sure when I last prayed the Thuhr. .. More

  • Determining sunset in mountainous area

    The time of Maghrib starts when the sun has completely set. This means that when the disk of the sun goes below the horizon, then the time for Maghrib starts. However, if a person lives in a very hilly area and tries to look at the sun with his eyes to determine when it sets, it will appear to set earlier behind the hills. A note on this can be found.. More

  • Starting congregational Fajr prayer 25 minutes before sunrise

    I read on your website that one should pray the Fajr prayer individually if the congregation at the masjid starts only 10 minutes before sunrise. What if the congregation starts about 25 min before sunrise? Is this also a significant delay (due to which one should pray individually)? .. More

  • Praying in trousers that have holes in them

    I have some trousers that are designed in such a way that they have holes in them. Apparaently, one cannot notice them. Even I can only notice them when I closely look at them. Is my prayer valid? .. More

  • Quran memorizers leaving the congregational prayer

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. I have a question. My question is that we have a problem in our place of prayer, which is that the ones that have memorized the Quran do not want to pray with people. I tried to force one of them by reminding them of the hadith of the prophet, sallallaahu ʻalayhi wa sallam. .. More

  • Tiredness does not justify shortening prayers

    Is my prayer accepted if I perform only two rak’ahs (units of prayer) for Thuhrbecause I am too tired? I think that it is better that I pray two rak’ahsonly rather than not pray at all. Is that a sin? What is the sharia view on this? .. More

  • Praying in congregation near end of prayer time

    Assalaamu alaykum. I like to pray on time. My husband has the habit of always delaying it. He always tells me to wait for him so that we can pray in congregation. Sometimes, it means that I have to wait until the end of the prayer time approaches. It causes issues between us because I want to pray on time and he does not let me do that. His argument.. More

  • Two cases of doubting number of rak'ahs in prayer

    Assalaamu alaykum. I was praying the Thuhr and had a doubt during one of my Rak'ahs (unit of prayer).I doubted whether it was my fourth or third Rak'ah, but I assumed that it was my fourth, and even though I was thinking of doing Sujood As-Sahw (prostration of forgetfulness), I did not do so. Is my prayer valid even if I omitted Sujood As-Sahw? (My.. More

  • Praying behind Imaam who prays quickly and makes mistakes in his recitation

    Assalamu alaykum. Please give me a quick response. At work, we, around 30 men, make congregation for the Maghrib prayer in the office prayer room. The problem, however, is that the regular imam prays very fast, and his recitation alsocontains some major mistakes. Besides him, though, there is another man who prays moderately and whose recitation is.. More

  • When to say Takbeer in transition from standing to Rukoo’ in prayer

    Assalaamu alaykum. I read the following on concerning the Takbeeraat of movement: "So he should start saying Takbeer (saying: Allaahu Akbar) when he starts to bow and end it before he reaches the bowing position so that his Takbeer comes between the two postures of standing and bowing." But how about if you raise your hands.. More

  • Reciting Soorah in inaudible congregational prayer

    The Messenger of Allaah, sallallaahu ʻalayhi wa sallam,was performing the Thuhr prayer when a person praying behind him began to recite “Sabbih Isma Rabbik Al-A’la.” Upon completing his prayers, the Messenger, sallallaahu ʻalayhi wa sallam,asked who that was. The person identified himself, so the Messenger, sallallaahu ʻalayhi wa.. More

  • Saying Aameen loudly after Faatihah

    How can we prove that saying ameen out loud after the Faatihah was a regular practice of the Prophet, sallallaahu ʻalayhi wa sallam,and not something that he did only at the initial stages of teaching how to perform the prayer (as claimed by the Hanafis)? How can we prove that this practice of saying "ameen" loudly was not abrogated? .. More

  • When it is obligatory to repeat the prayer

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaah. I asked a question yesterday regarding wiping over the socks during Wudu' (fatwa 2614667), and I thank you so much for the very swift response. It was a referral to another fatwa that covered half of the question. The other half of the question was not clearly addressed, and I feel that I probably should have been.. More

  • Moving pointed finger in tashahhud

    Could it be that the Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam,moved his finger in the prayer due to old age and not being able to keep it still, like it was reported from 'Aa'ishah, that he, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam,would sit in the prayer in his old age? This would explain why Waa'il, a Companion from Yemen who spent little time with the Prophet,.. More