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2405 fatwas

  • Her husband stays naked in front of mother or sisters

    Can my husband go to his mothers home and stay naked in front of his mother and his own sisters? Please give me the answer according to the sharia? .. More

  • Praying in congregation without aligning feet with row

    Assalaamu alaykum. I just recently prayed the Ishaa prayer and wanted to ask about something. I was praying next to someone, and when we were bowing, I noticed that our legs did not align next to each other's very well. He was standing a little behind me and our legs were not parallel. Is this an issue? Also, please answer the previous questions that.. More

  • Violations inside masjid without intending disrespect not kufr

    Is it kufr (disbelief) if you do haram stuff in the masjid like play music or say bad words, or is it a major sin? Note that no disrespect was intented. .. More

  • Fighting urge to laugh while praying

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. I often feel the urge to laugh during my prayer, without any reason. So if I interrupt my recitation while attempting not to laugh and then restart it, is my prayer valid? May Allaah reward you. .. More

  • Reciting while sitting in obligatory prayer

    My dearly beloved, peace be unto you. My question is in regards to sitting in the obligatory prayer; I stand for the first takbeer (saying Allaahu Akbar) and then sit down for the rest of the prayer. After the prayer was over, the brother whom I was sitting next to, who was also sitting down, told me that I should either sit or stand, is it wrong to.. More

  • Lifting nose, hand or foot during prostration does not invalidate prayer

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. While prostrating, do both of the hands have to have contact with the floor, with the palms flat on the floor? I read somewhere that if you do not have both your feet or both your hands on the floor, then your prayer is invalid. Sometimes, I scratch myself with one of my hands, so I do not touch the.. More

  • Shortest acceptable form of Tahiyyaat and Tashahhud

    Assalaamu alaykum. I wanted to ask, I have been pronouncing the tahiyyat and tashahhud in a specific way for years, but then a while back, Idiscovered a different pronunciationon this site. I asked someone I know about my tahiyyat, and he said that it was fine, but I thought that maybe I should ask people who are more knowledgeable about such things... More

  • Placing prostration counter on prayer mat

    Assalaamu alaykum. We have developed a product that records prostrations and rakʻahs (units of prayer)performed by the worshipper while praying. The product is placed in front of the prayer mat. A small screen that displays the number of prostrations performed is mounted on the product. It does not contain any video or music. People often forget.. More

  • Starting to recite Faatihah while rising from prostration

    What is the ruling on a person starting the recitation of the Faatihah before he is fully standing after the prostration. Is this something that nullifies the prayer? .. More

  • Virtue of praying four rak'ahs after ʻIshaa'

    Assalaamu alaykum. I would like to know the authenticity of those narrations that mention that the virtue of praying four rak'ahs (units of prayer) after theʻIshaa' is equal to Laylat Al-Qadr. May Allaah reward you. .. More

  • Delivering Friday sermon in other language

    On Fridays, after the azan is called for the Friday prayer, our imam sits on the pulpit and gives a lecture in Bangla. After the lecture, he tells us to pray four units of sunnah prayer. After the sunnah prayer, azan is made inside the mosque, and then the imam stands up on the pulpit and gives the sermon in Arabic, after that, he leads us in the two-unit.. More

  • Giving non-Arabic 'bayaan' before Friday khutbah

    Assalaamu alaykum. In the masjid of our locality, the Friday khutbah (sermon) is given in arabic. However, before the Arabic khutbah, the imam gives an extra lecture/speech that is called 'bayan' in our local language for 15 to 20 minutes. Now, is this correct? And are the rulings of the khutbah also applied to this extra bayan, like not talking to.. More

  • Position of hands in prayer according to Imaam Ahmad

    Assalaamu alaykum, Shaykh. What is the position of Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal on the following matter? Where should women put their hands in during the prayer, on their chest, like the Hanafis, or elsewhere? May Allaah reward you. .. More

  • Little uncovered hair does not invalidate woman's prayer

    I have a special hijab that I wear when I pray. Sometimes my hair in the back pokes out through the fabric, not full length hair strands but almost like half a cm of hair. I do not think that you can see it unless if you watch closely. I wonder whether my prayers are invalid when this happens. If they are invalid, do I have to make up for all my prayers?.. More

  • Any pure place is fit for prayer

    Assalaamu alaykum. I have read the other fatwas, but I could not get the exact answer for my question. I have a question regarding the prayer. I am a university student, and the distance from my home to my school is 47 kilometers. I take two trains to get there. Because of this, I mostly mis the 'Asr and Maghrib prayers in the winter and the 'Asr prayer.. More