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1048 fatwas

  • The best way to advise one's father

    My father is a very nervous person, and when I advise him not to accompany his friends, because they are disobedient to Allaah, he becomes angry and bad-tempered. We cannot talk to any of the righteous people about his issue, so what can be done? Please advise. .. More

  • Ways to address a father who does not pray

    My father does not perform the prayers, although he fully knows the teachings of Islam. Being his daughter, I cannot find the proper way to advise him. Also, when he prays he only does this to boast before people. What is the proper way to advise him?.. More

  • A widow dedicating herself to taking care of her orphan children

    I have been widowed recently and i wanted to know if i am obligated to pay zakat on any savings i have.Also i wanted to know,being a widow and mother of 3 children,if i spend the rest of my life as a widow and do not remarry,bring up my kids and try to fullfil all my duties as a mother and a muslim what will my status be on the day of judgement infront.. More

  • New to Islam but her husband does not want her to wear Hijab

    AoA, I have a very close friend who just converted to islam after being married to her husband for 25 years. Unfortunatley it seems her husband doesnt want her to wear the hijab even though she does.She is sad and doesn't know what to do. She doesnt want to cause friction in her marriage and it seems her husbaand feels ashamed for his lack of knowledge.. More

  • His brother wronged him and is doing magic to him

    I live in India, My father died 6 years before, before death he did will of property and of that will witness are my two uncle and my sisters and my father's sister but my father didn't give in my and my elder brother knowledge. after his death the shop of my father which he was running on rent for last 35 years, in india person who run for long time.. More

  • Wants to work abroad but is worried about leaving his parents alone

    Dear Shaikh, I am an IT professional currently working in a multinational firm in my home country (Pakistan). I am the only son of my parents and currently living with them. I recently got married (Nikah only) and we have delayed a rukhsati as I need to construct the first floor of our home and for that I had taken a loan from Islamic Bank. The loan.. More

  • Left his sick wife to spend the day with his parents and sister

    i was expected to spend the day with my sister (who is on holidays), her husband and my parents on Saturday. That morning, my wife woke up and was not feeling too well - she had a very mild fever. I brought her to her mum's place and left her there for the day and i proceeded to spend the day with my sister and parents. Did i do the correct thing or.. More

  • Afraid to study in another city and leave her sick mother

    Dear Sir/Madam, I have found a place on a course at a university which is away from my city; this means that I would have to leave my mother and family. The course offers me the chance to switch after one year into a medical school which is what I want to study; and it is really difficult to get into medical schools here in the UK. However this is.. More

  • Discrepancy between the right of mother and the right of wife

    I would like to know the status of the wife and the mother-inlaw. should the husband put his mother first before his wife and the wife must be second? ie: if i was ill and needed treatment and my mother-inlaw too, then who should get priority if the husband can only afford to pay for one? and also is the home that my husband provides considered his.. More

  • Wants to help her father perform Hajj but husband refuses

    good morning I am pharmasist and i did not have moeny to open pharmacy so my husbend pay the moeny and oben it but every thing under my name because he can not oben it , sinc he is not pharmacist and now i can not take any moeny from the pharmacy for example i need to help my father to go to [hajj] he didnot agree . I want to inform you that i finsh.. More

  • Refuses to partake in school concerts but parents force him to

    I am a young kid who still goes to school. Al-Hamdullilah I was born muslim and learning about Islam but there is 1 mistery.(I am the same guy who asked about the Hajj and naming Amin) I live in america and they have concerts and I know music is Haraam but last year when I refeused to take part in practising for the concert my mom scolded me and says.. More

  • Gets annoyed with her husband due to his bad behavior

    Salam Alaykom. If I get upset with my husband for hitting the kids or getting home late from work or not calling, etc, will the angels curse me?? I don't want my husband to be upset when I am upset. If I go to sleep when I am mad, what will happen?? Will I be punished even though I didn't want my husband to be mad?? Jazak'allah Khair.. More

  • Buying shopping for non-Muslims

    assalama alaikoum, i m a young president of a muslim association in france, in my village live few muslim but many non muslim, we try to change the wrong image of islam in this communauty, and get a mosquee, with various action, one of this action it s to help old people or disabled people to carry their food shopping,sometime including pork and.. More

  • Her in-laws have bad influence on her husband

    Asalamu alaykum My question is related to relatives like brothers. I know u must not break kinship, but what if the relatives of your husband have bad influence on him. They watch all day TV, use Internet too much, wasting time. Husbands coming home very late when they are together, they do not take the wife and kids anywhere to enjoy the nature or.. More

  • Eating food prepared by friend's girlfriend

    I would want to know if it is permissible to eat the food prepared by the wife of one elder brother or friend who has no marriage or Nikah but just living as husband and wife... More