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1048 fatwas

  • Unable to be friendly with her sister-in-law

    Salam Alaykom My husband's sister moved to live with us, temporarily until she finishes her school she helps me with kids and the household work,the problem is that I don't treat her the way I should. At the beginning we were like friends then 2 months later things started to change. I don't feel that we have anything in common or that I can get along.. More

  • Has bad relationship with his non-practicing sister

    Dear Mufti Saab Mufti Saab i have a problem, Alhumdulliah i have been practicing for over 6 years, i have tried my utmost best to follow the quran & Sunnah to the best of ability, my brothers do not practice but my parents are practicing but very attached to our indo-pak culture. My sister on the other hand is not practicing does not wear the hijab,.. More

  • Protecting her family against jealous people

    Asalaamu Alaykum, I have a question. My family is having a lot of problems right now. There are some people who are very jealous, who are trying to break my family apart and cause a lot of fights. They already managed to make a lot off people hate each other within the family. I'm really scared that this will end up in something really bad. Is there.. More

  • Afraid that Allaah will not accept her deeds because her parents are not pleased with her

    salaam aleykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh, i am a woman living alone now(divorced), my parents prefent me to marry.i have had bad relationship with parents sinds i was a teenager. i have been on my own sinds i was 19.The reason i left my parents was after i saw ones that my FATHER had EYES on me.(you know what i mean)after i while ALLAH swt has.. More

  • Very angry with his mother who manipulated his failing marriage

    hope someone can give advise. i got engaged almost 2 years ago under extreme pressure and manipulation from my own mother. i never consummated my marriage and saw my wife for only 2 days after my engagement in a sunni court. we both live in different countries. family interferences and disagreements took over my marriage and along the way i found out.. More

  • Lazy and disobedient to her parents

    i am a very lazy ggirl 15 yrs who donot do any work at home .wat islam says about such a person.? i also dfont listen to my mum n dad and i always quarrel with then. iwant to know wat are the punishment that such a person may get in akhirah. jazak Allah khair .. More

  • Has to choose between marriage and working to support her parents

    Assalam aleykum,jazzakallahu kheiran for the good work.Am a muslimah who has gotten a marriage proposal from a pious guy alhamdulillah who lives in a neighbouring country.I havent told my parents yet because am bothered by something.Am aware of the importance islam puts on being kind and respectful to your parents even in their old age.My parents are.. More

  • Responsibility of all children to spend on a sick mother

    My parents live in pakistan,4 years ago my mother got stroke and became disable to speak and move herself.My elder brother live with them and he is and my 2 sisters all we are married ,i live in ireland,my younger sister live in another city of pakistan and my youngest sister live in the same city in pakistan so she spend as much time with.. More

  • His wife works against his will

    i spend very long hours in relation to my work and my wife complains that i do not spend time with her at home. howver, i try to compensate by taking a few days off and spend time with her. on the other hand, she works too and i asked her to quit but she would refuse. my question is whether i owe her duties when she refuses to obey me regarding her.. More

  • Wishing to be with a man other than her husband in Paradise

    I heard someone say that most Muslims will go to hell for a certain amount of time before they will be allowed to go to heaven. Is this true? And is it allowed to wish to be united in heaven with someone other than your present spouse? JazakAllahu Khair.. More

  • Informing family about one’s real income

    Assalmualiqum , I want to know if it is obligatory for a son to tell his actual income to his parents and wife and children. .. More

  • Her father practices magic against her mother

    My father practises black magic (sihr) against my mother. They have been divorced for many years, and I have not seen him for more than 20 years. Each time I think about contact I make Istikharaah, and I find out he is still trying to harm my mother. My mother has brought up 3 children by herself and by th grace of Allah swt we all practice Islaam,.. More

  • Misunderstanding between two Muslim colleagues of different nationalities

    There are two muslims they are working together in one company.One is pakistani and other is Indian.They were good friends earlier after some days with out any reason pakistani started abusing the Indian.When IN. asks him he says PAK has some doubt that IN. is making some problem to PAK.Also PAK.Recites LA HAWLA WALA QUWAT. When he sees the IN.In Reply.. More

  • Her sister does evil things on the pretext of being possessed by jinn

    My parents beleive my younger sister to be under the influece of Jinn since she was a baby. It is true there is Jinn presence in the house, but only she seems to be continually effected by this in a destructive way (one other sister was seeing them for a short time, and we have at times heard or seen unexplained things now and then, but nothing to bother.. More

  • Congratulating a non-Muslim woman on getting pregnant

    Salam Alaykom. Is it pemissable in islam to say congratulatulations to a married non-muslim woman when she gets pregnant ? What about also if she has the baby? I know it is not permissable to say congratulations to a couple who has committed an evil act like illegal sexual intercourse. Jazak'allah khair... More