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1049 fatwas

  • Adult Children Showing Affection to their Parents

    After a lady attains her maturity can she hug and kiss her father? Can boys hug and kiss their mothers? Please could you provide me with definite proof? .. More

  • Breaking Family Ties Due to Divorce

    I am in a very difficult situation. I am the middle son in a family whose ties have been almost severed with my mother's side of the family (whom I love very much) due to a divorce. Which happened because my sister's bad health. Now my grandmother or some of my uncles or aunties are preventing us from reuniting with them. I tried to talk with my father.. More

  • Rights of family members and Muslims upon each other

    What are the rights of wife, children, brothers, sisters and parents on the man at the time when all of them are alive? .. More

  • Husband suspicious of wife's past life before marriage

    Assalamu Alaikom.Dear brothers in Islam, I come to you with tears in my eyes and pain in my heart... and love and need for mercy from Allah (Subhanahu wa ta'aala). About 3 weeks ago I married an Asian woman who is 26 years old. She converted to Islam by herself after she studied the religion for 6 months. She is a nice and gentle believer who prays.. More

  • Wife's husband doesn't pray and sells forbidden items

    What should a Muslim lady do if her husband doesn't pray and sells forbidden things?I heard so many opinons that I don't know what is the right?.. More

  • Avoiding unpleasant relatives

    Aslam O Alikum I have two real uncles living in Canada, When I first come here they treated me poorly. I didn't say anything and feared Allah and honured my parents, but now that I have established myself, they compete and say awful things. I try to avoid them all the time. I don't call them or visit them because every time I do something goes wrong.. More

  • The Rights of Parents and Parents In-Law

    My question is related to parents. It has been mentioned in many places to take care of parents. How does a woman after marriage can take care of her parents? What are the rights of her husband's parents on her and her rights on them? In other words, are parents in-law to be treated as your own parents? Are rewards and punishments the same as for one's.. More

  • Parental consent in marriage

    Asslam-o-aleikum I am 32+ yrs old and want to get married. I've been asking my parents atleast for two years. But they, especially my father did not pay attention to it. Now I have found a Muslim girl here, but they are not accepting her. My question is how necessary is it to have the permission of parents to get married? It is important to note that.. More

  • Wishes to have sex with wife but mother prevents it

    I got married to my cousin just a month ago. The nikkah was done, but culturally I have to have a separate ceremony to bring home my wife and complete the marriage. I wish to have sex with my wife but my mother wants to prevent this. My question is: Can anyone, including my mother, stop her son and his wife from having sex? Is this permissible for my.. More

  • Relations with an aunt who refuses to pray and says she has no sins

    I have an aunt who lived in America for more than 20 years, who refuses to learn how to pray. Am I allowed to love her and show her my concern? I tried to tell her that God may forgive all sins. She answered that she has no sins. Should I ignore her, or try once more to talk to her gently? .. More

  • Married son's mother controls his earnings

    I am a Muslim adult male working as a professional. I am recently married and have a ‎‎daughter. I live in my parents’ home with my brother and sister.‎ ‎Since I got my job (around 5 years ago) my mother keeps my salary with her. I do not ‎‎have any access to it. If I need anything I ask her and she gives it to me. For example, if I ‎‎need.. More

  • Treatment of a father by his son

    My father does not order his son and daughters to follow up the duties of Islam. I recently became a religious person and when my mother and I ask him to pray, especially Fajr he will not because we asked him to. I love my dad and what i am doing is for his sake, but he seems not to understand. I mostly pray for him and cry. What is his punishment?.. More

  • Brotherhood in Islam

    Please tell me about the brotherhood in Islam... More

  • Muslim living with non-Muslim friends

    How can a Muslim with so many non-Muslim friends live with harmony in a mixed society like India?.. More