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1049 fatwas

  • Guardianship over wife does not mean oppressive control

    Assalaamu alaykum. I am at the age at which many people are asking me when I am getting married. However, I do not want to get married anymore because I do not want to give up authority over my own life. As an adult, I never have to ask my parents for permission to go somewhere or do something, whereas a wife would need permission to go on a trip or.. More

  • Befriending non-Muslims who ridicule the Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam

    Assalaamu alaykum. I am referring to this question: Is it apostasy or hypocrisy to befriend these people due to loneliness, while hating what they say? .. More

  • Rights of adult Muslim over fellow Muslims

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. In Islam, what are the rights that an adult has over a non-Mahram (permanently unmarriageable) or a Mahram young individual? I know that young people need to respect their elders and speak to them in a polite manner, but what about adults? .. More

  • Cutting relations with grandparents

    Is it forbidden in Islam to end all contact with my grandparents from my mothers side? If it is forbidden, then what are the exceptions to ending all contact, and what is the punishment if it is forbidden in Islam? .. More

  • Traveling to seek knowledge without parents' permission

    Assalaamu alaykum, Scholars. I want to know the meaning of ''if the parents are in need of you" or "if they would face hardship" in regard to travelling for seeking knowlege. We live in Tarragona, Spain. My father is around 60 years old, and my mother is younger than him, perhaps 55 or 56. They both work and both earn money: my father is a university.. More

  • Parents forbid him from wearing Ghutrah

    Assalaamu alaykum, Scholars. I recently asked you about my parents forbidding me to wear a scarf over my head, and you sent me a fatwa saying that obeying the parents is not obligatoryin one's clothing,but I asked you this question since I thought that perhaps the rulling may change since I am wearing a Saudi scarf in a country were that is not common.. More

  • Obeying unjust mother

    Assalaamu alaykum. I have a question about a problem. I currentlylive in Europe, and my mother and sister live in Africa. I have bought a house, and I let my sister live in there with her husband without paying rent. My mother lives in another house, not with them. My problem is that my sister has betrayed me. I trusted her with my money, and she has.. More

  • Husband's permission to wife to visit her parents

    Assalaamu alaykum. My question is the following: my wife and I married around four years ago. We live abroad, and her parents live in another country. She keeps going to see her parents every year for two months despite me telling her not to go for that long and to go every year but for one month only. She does not listen to me and says that it is her.. More

  • Son going against father's advice

    Assalaamu alaykum. I am writing to you in relation to a difficult situation that I am in, and I am seeking advice. Recently, something happened - but it is now over, and all praise is due to Allah alone - which made me make the decision to quit teaching the Quran for my safety, under the instruction of my father. However, after consulting a number of.. More

  • Father wants him to work in co-ed environment

    Assalamu alaykum. My father does not want me to work as a private tutor. He instead wants me to work as a lecturer in co-ed universities, not because this would enable me to earn more money, but because this position has a higher status and prestige. He feels ashamed to tell others that I am a private teacher. Also, please note that I am not in dire.. More

  • Joint bank account with non-Muslim mother

    Salam. My Christian mother has a bank account that has my name on it. However, I have zero access to it unless I go with her to the bank to show them my identification. My mother is not a trustworthy person. I have explained this multiple times to my dad and his family. My family were telling me that I can transfer the money to my own account which.. More

  • Keeping ties with relatives who cause trouble

    I have three questions: 1) I have many relatives who live far from me. We have some family disputes that make us distant. Sometimes, they would call me but cause trouble, so my family ignored them. During Eid, however, we meet as a family and talk normally. Is this considered cutting the ties? Do I have to greet my family often or is being in a neutral.. More

  • Kindness towards non-Muslim neighbors of late parents

    Is it ok to invite a non-Muslim neighbour of our late parents to our group parties as a form of honouring our parents? Please reply quickly. .. More

  • Taking father's permission before giving charity

    Assalaamu alaykum. I give charity secretly. Partly because secret optional acts are better. Another reason is that if my parents come to know about my charity, I fear they will not let me give charity at all, especially my father. A few days ago, I helped one of my relatives by lending him some money. The situation was very urgent for him. My father.. More

  • Wife contacting parents without husband's knowledge

    I live in the USA, and my parents live in Pakistan. They miss me very much. I do not have a phone. My husband does, but sometimes he is too busy to attend my parents' calls. My mother mailed me a cell phone with a connection, but my husband returned it. My parents are old, and I have not met them in five years. I have some money; can I buy a cell phone.. More