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Assalaamu alaykum. I would like to know about the supplications mentioned below whether reciting them is allowed or not in the light of the Quran and Sunnah:
1. Allahumma ya wadudu azal arshil majidi ya mubdiu ya mueedu ya fa alunllimayuridu azal izzatillati laturamu walmukil llazi la yuzamu yaman ala nurihi arkana arshihi ya mughisu aghisni ya mughisu.. More
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahamtullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Every morning, during the first period at school, a boy recites Quran and then says, "Bismillaahillazi la yadurru ma' Ismihi shay..." till the end of the supplication, three times, and the rest of the class repeats after him. Then he says, "A'udzu bikalimaatillaahittaammah...' till the end of the supplication.. More
The Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam,said, "'Laa Hawla wa laa Quwwata illaa Billaah Al-'Aliyy Al-'Atheem' is a door from one of the doors of Paradise.Whoever says 'Laa Hawla wa laa Quwwata illaa Billaah', an angel descends to give good health/brings a cure for that person." (Tirmidhi). Is this Saheeh (authentic)?
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In my village, there's a common practice. They do Thikr (expressions of remembrance of Allaah) and send peace and blessings upon the Prophet, sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam,in the form of songs, but without musical instrument. What is the ruling on that?
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Hello there. I read in the Shia books that before the battle of Karbala, Hussein taught his son a supplication. So I wanted to ask if he really learned that supplication from the Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, and taught it to his son. The suppliction is: "Bihaqqi Yaseen wal Qur-aanil Hakeem wa bihaqqi Taa-Haa wal Qur-aanil ‘Adheem yaa man.. More
According to Islamic theology, will Allaah answer my prayers even if I sin consciously; disbelieve in heaven and hell, the Prophethood of Muhammad, the divinity of the Quran, and a host of other Islamic things; and do not pray the Islamic way?
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Assalaamu alaykum. I have a simple question. A person whom I know prays to Allaah for wealth, power, and wisdom so that he can help his Ummah (Islamic community) (besides praying for it). However, he does not know how he would help and is neither rich nor intelligent. Is this type of praying good, or is he merely burdening himself?
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Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu Shaykh. What is the intention that one should have in their heart when one wants to offer the prayer of the one in distress? And is it only for distress, or also if one needs something? I heard that it is Sunnah to pray when one is in distress or is afflicted or if one anticipates an evil coming their.. More
Ka’b ibn Ujrah narrated that the Prophet, sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam,said, “There are Mu‘aqqibaat, the one who says them shall not be miserable. Glorify Allaah at the end of every prayer thirty-three times, and praise him thirty-three times, and extol His greatness thirty-four times.” If I do not say this after the prayer but say it at other.. More
Assalaamu alaykoum wa rahmatullaah. My question is as follows: is it possible to momentarilyinterrupt the recitation of the Athkaar (pl. of Thikr [expressions of remembrance of Allaah]) recited after the five compulsory prayers and resume them later on? May Allaah reward you.
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Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Is it true that supplications made at Al-Masjid Al Haraam are more likely to be answered than those made elsewhere? What about the masjid of Prophet Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam? Is it from the Sunnah to ask the one who is going on Umrah or Hajj to supplicate for you, for example? May Allaah.. More
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu, Shaykh. Should we seek refuge with Allaah, The Exalted, from the accursed Satan when dog barks during the day also? Or is that only during the night? May Allaah reward you, Shaykh.
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Is it true that Allaah gets angry with a person who does not ask him for anything or never supplicates for anything?
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Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Can the morning and evening Athkaar (pl. or Thikr: expressions of remembrance of Allaah) be read after sunrise and sunset respectively? Will we get the same benefits thereby?
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A YouTube shaykh said that even if you do not remember Allaah, He remembers you. Is that correct? Please provide proof. This queston is important.
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