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Hello. I am sorry to bother you, but you send me a number of things to read about Thikr (expressions of remembrance of Allaah) with the mind, and I cannot find anything that suits me. Please, if you can help me. A few years ago, I remember that one afternoon, I started crying for commiting like sins like killing a house fly; I started weeping, and because.. More
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh. I received this message, is this supplication really against earthquakes? "O Allaah, I seek refuge in You from my house falling on me, I seek refuge in You from falling into an abyss, I seek refuge in You from drowning, burning and old age. I seek refuge in You from the devil harming me at the time of.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. When one does not have a legitimate excuse, would it be contrary to good manners to leave the masjid immediately after the tasleem of a congregational prayer?
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Assalaamu alaykum. I have two questions that I would like to ask you:
1) How can you explain to a person what Allaah is telling you to do? For example, I am supplicating Allaah to tell me what to do with a conflict that I am facing (I am not making Istikhaarah [prayer of consultation]). After supplicating, something in my mind tells me what to do.. More
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Kindly let me know whether the following supplication is authentic or fabricated via my e-mail ID. "Allaahumma baarik lee fee awlaadi, wa laa tadhurruhum, wa waffiqqhum li thaa'athik, wa arzuqni birrahum."(O Allah bless us through our children, and keep them out of Danger, and help them to obey you,.. More
Assalaamu alaykum! Your last answer to my Question No. 2600667 is not fully satisfying. Please read the following and clarify me it for me. I have a small doubt regarding supplication. You know, it is said that after every obligatory prayer, if we supplicate Allaah, The Exalted, concerning our individual problems, it will be granted/accepted. As for.. More
Respected scholars, assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. I want to know about some adhkar (remembrance of Allaah) whether they are authentic:
1-Allahumma salli 'ala sayyidina Muhammad, an-nabiyy al-umiyy, wa 'ala aalihi wa sahbihi wa sallim. Is there any virtue in this?
2- I received the following dua and was told that it is for.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I sometimes speak in a very angry voice. I sometimes like to do so as it clears my mind. When I supplicate, I do so as well sometimes. I am not angry with Allaah; sometimes I am just angry about some stuff, if you speak with an angry voice to Allaah but are not angry with Allaah or are not menacing to show disrespect. Is that kufr.. More
I would like to know about the virtues of remembering Allaah and doing thikr (remembrance of Allaah) and how important that is.
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In South Africa, a hadith is quoted that says that if a person recites the durood Allaahumma sallee 'ala Muhammadin Nabee al-'ummiy waslamon a Friday after the 'Asr prayer 80 times, then so many years of their sins will be forgiven. Is this hadith authentic?
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Dear scholars, may peace be on you all. My question is: if someone become so sick that he is almost dying, then should I pray to Allah like this, “O Allaah, if there is good in his recovery, then cure him,” or should I pray, “O Allaah, cure him”? Which one is the proper supplication?
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Assalaamu alaykum. I am pregnant and wanted to know if I can do the following while I am in labor and delivering my baby: 1. Recite Wuran (out of my head) or nazisms? 2. Listen to the Quran or nazsims/quseedah's? 3. Can my husband also recite on me or with me? Are there any particular supplications or chapters to recite or to use while praying to ease.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I heard a hadith on Iqra TV that says something in the sense that whoever recites the verse 'Rabbana, inana samayna munadeeyan enadee lil iman...' or the last two verses of Surah Al-Baqarah or other verses that I cannot recall while standing for prayer and asks Allaah a need, He will give it to him. I am sure the hadith exists but.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. Is it allowed to use the phrase, 'May allah reward u inshaa’ Allaah'? Or may one say inshaa’ Allaah when making dua (supplication) for others? For example: May allah forgive your sins inshaa’ Allaah, or, May Allaah make u the people of paradise inshaa’ Allaah.
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Assalaamu alaykum Sir. I and my family members are facing a lot of problems from my sister's husband, he always insults and abuses us with very bad language. He even wants his friends to beat me and my brother, and he abused my mother in front of me with very abusive language. Please help me, I am so depressed, I did not do anything to him and did not.. More
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