al slamo alykom my name is ehab ahmed muslim live in Australia devorce with Australian woman I have 2 kides rhiana 16 years and yusef 10 years .after I get devorc my ex-wifeand re-marid and ching hear last name and she puch me to ching my kides last name because they get tees by ather kids in nthe school and they frind because my daughter name rhian.. More
As-salaamu 3laikum, In one fatwa you mentioned that the minimum period of pregnancy is six months. Here in a magazine about pregnancy they said that some babies have been born at 23 weeks old and survived. Does this mean that they miscalculated the length of the pregnancy when they estimated it in the first place and it was in reality more than 23 weeks,.. More
Salam I am married to a guy ten years older than Who is previously divorced with two children we also have two children together, his previous children used to come every second weekend which was fine by me, all of a sudden on my husbands days off they come and we never have time as our family because his children are always there the main issue is.. More
As-salaamu 3laikum, I would like to know if babies and young children can appreciate the recitation of the Qur'an when they listen to it and know that it is special and important even though they can't understand the words. Also there are people who say that their young children relax and are calmer when they listen to the recitation of the Qur'an,.. More
a male gynacologist told me that i can a normal delivary..but most of the female docters says that cesarian is preferable...the problum is that a non mahram man is the male doctor..what can i do?
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Asallam U Alaikum, My eleven year old daughter told me that at school her teacher put on a animated movie in one lesson, 'prince of Egypt' depicting the biblical version of the story of Musa alahiisallam. I told her you should never have watched and should have taken a book out and read(to avoid watching). If I had known they were going to show it I.. More
Alsalam Alaikum Someone told me the girls name Rabab is haram because it means lordship. And they used ayah 39 from surat Yusuf as proof when he said a'arbab. And this person also said the name mana' is haram because Allah uses this word in the quran in a negative way, surat Al-Qalam ayah 12, "mana' lil khayr". Are these names wrong and what should.. More
Asalamualikum Warehmatullahe Wabarakatu! I am so confused about my situation. I am a mother of 4 young kids (one is new born).My husband has 3 wives and he spend unjustly on his wives . He spend alot on his 3rd wife who don't have no child and he always lives at her home. His 1st lives in USA with 4 kids. (Currently we are in saudi arabia ). He gives.. More
Assalamu Alaikum, Please clarify on me this. Can a growth young son to drink his moms breast milk buy suckling or from cup? Please answer me. I don't like if you give me the links for some fatawas Those I have already looked on them and Can't find answer. I am saying it again. I h-a-v-e a-l-r-e-a-d-y l-o-o-k-e-d i-n-t-o a-l-m-o-s-t a-l-l o-f your fataawas.
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Before I converted to Islam at the age of 16 I became pregnant, I understand that the child has no ties with the father because he was born out of wedlock. I have kept my son away from him for almost 3 years and he's been trying to contact me since I cut him off. Is it haram to keep him from seeing his 'son' or am I doing right by denying visitation.. More
asalaam alaikum wa rahamatullah wa barakatuh. my question is my mother in law is not a muslim and she wears a locket of an idol ie merry together with allah locket and one time she made my daughter wear it for fun when i saw that i just distracted the topic and said ohh maryam you have your own neclace and i removed it from her and made her wear my.. More
As-salaamu 3laikum. I am currently pregnant alhamdulilah. I noticed that in some of the information I was given by the midwives there are objectionable statements such as the idea that the woman creates the baby herself. I know that these are false because Allah is the Creator. However, I was wondering, since doctors say that a pregnant woman's diet.. More