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The Prophet
said: "Do not eat the meat of Jallaalah (impure) animals.” So, is it permissible to eat and trade with the meat of the ostrich? I am a vet and breed ostriches, and I saw them eating their dung when it is dry. It should be noted that they also eat clover and fodder. So, is the meat of this animal lawful,.. More
A man has a problem in his oesophagus, so he sometimes vomits. If he vomits in the washing basin, it will be blocked, thus he is obliged to vomit in the toilet. So is it permissible for him to do so as he finds a difficulty in going outside the house to vomit. .. More
What is the wisdom of forbidding dead meat? .. More
I'm a Muslim and I live in Canada with my family. We don't eat any food that contains gelatine or pepsin as they are mainly extracted from the pigs. Last week at Al-Jazeera channel there was a program (Al-Sharee'ah Wa Al-Haya) and the speaker said they are Halaal according to a certain theory Al-Estehala). Is that right? Is the pepsin and Gelatin.. More
Is it ok in Islam to use cleaning agents such as Pine-sol and dishwashing detergents like Palmolive that contain alcohol to use in the house for cleaning? .. More
It is permissible to eat many grapes or to eat grapes because when I eat grapes I feel different like a person that who are drunkard? And why? .. More
It is a well established truth from both Sunnah and Hadeeth that any meat on which a name other than that of Allaah has been invoked while slaughtering, then it is Haraam for us to consume it. My question is: Is it Halaal to eat rice which is cooked along with this kind of Haraam meat? For e.g.: When eating Biryani, can we just have the rice and.. More
I live in a non-Muslim county. Most of the food, vitamins, and medicines available are made of things like gelatin and other components that might be made from pig fats. Sometimes it's really hard to avoid this food. Is it Haraam to take such foods, vitamins and medicines? .. More
I had recently moved to a Western country. In order to find out about the Halaal food items I have been taking help of several websites. But to my dismay (1) There are several products which are not mentioned in these websites (2) If one website claims a food product to be Halaal other website mentions it under the Haraam list (3) Mostly they.. More
Is pig derived gelatin Haraam? In Europe we have food products that contain gelatin and I do not know whether I am allowed to consume them, especially that we can live without some of these products such as confectionery products. .. More
What if I ate pig meat by mistake and I don't know that?.. More
Am an Ethiopian 22-year living in India for studying purpose and for almost 4 years, I have Questions:Should Mc 'Donaldls's chicken be Halaal to eat! If that the issue how about the rest of the restaurants in India (Pune) I mean, we have the College's Canteen or a normal restaurant in all over the City that own by a non-Muslim people? OK we.. More
Is it permissible for a Muslim to open a restaurant allowing "BYO" (Bring Your Own Alcohol) option for customers? .. More
What was the favorite food of the Prophet Muhammad, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam? .. More
Some people keep on investigating how a particular food is made. For example, if cake contains alcohol, etc. But one scholar is of the opinion that we should not investigate too much. According to him one companion, may Allaah be pleased with him, said that when a particular oil was bought which may contain pig fat Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi.. More
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