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A mowlavi from India says only the flesh of a swine is haraam other parts are halaal. Is it true? SALAAM.. More
is there any sahih hadeeth which says muslim man should eat meat it makes him strong and a muslim should be strong? jazakallah.. More
I am living in China and always care to eat. I was in invitation with Chinese people and there was Hedgehog meal. I was not eating but my Muslim friend told me to eat and he has already investigated about it that Hedgehong is not Halal and not Haram, we can eat and he was confirm from a Chinese Muslim that we can eat. But I am not feeling good after.. More
Assalamualaikum.Fatwa 84848 states that there is no harm in eating food prepared for does this mean that we could accept food given as birthday treat and it is not haram?.. More
is eating grasscutter (Thryonomys swinderianus) allowed in islam.. More
I live with my elder brother who has a woman that he is not legally married to. Can I eat from the food she prepares? And if woman dies in the house of a man who did not marry her legally but they have children for themselves what is the Islamic point of view... More
Assalamu Alikum.
There are many traditions today that held in some muslim countries and many "religious practices" which are practiced by some muslims but which are wrong, and are mere INNOVATIONS. I'm speaking here about those ceremonies which are held to celebrate every year a day in which a person who's said to be "Wali Salih" (a good servant of.. More
Is it permissible to have an egg as food?.. More
whether eating, cultivation and business of mushroom is jaiz or not.. More
asawawb, my question is: is it really haram to eat ice cubes???.. More
Asalam alaikum. Is it haram to buy and drink non-alcoholic natural malt drink and which is made by a company that makes and sales alcoholic drink such as bear and wine. Thank you.. More
salaam, i want to know for example im in a dessert and im hungry and there is a pig in sight will i be able to eat it? im sorry i have been asked this question by a non muslim.. More
Aslaam o Allaikum Brothers, I want to ask one question regarding eating chicken with skin. there's a common concept in people here that eating chicken with skin is MAKROO. Actually, Most of the fast food restaurants here (Qatar) serve chicken with skin. this is the reason i am asking this question. Thanks in Advance. Ma' Salam.. More
Question Is it halal to eat bird nest soup? Bird nest soup is mainly made up of bird nest produced by swift bird (a small bird that resembles a swallow and is noted for its rapid flight) using his saliva on the surface of rocks. It is harvested and used as main ingredient on soup in Chinese restaurant. Jazakum Allah khairan. .. More
Asalamu 3aleykum .. i have 2 quistion too ask. 1_ Is it aloud too eat danish foods? 2_Is it aloud too see too open the hair in front of non-muslims woman?.. More
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