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there is a kind of mushroom/grain called "kefir" that people arround the world "report" it has numerous health benefits, but a certain amount of alcohol (0.8%-2%) emerges during its fermentation in raw milk.Moreover, it is believed that "Kefir" originated from the era of Prophet Mohammad
but nothing in hadiths refers to such grains. I found.. More
Is whey and whey powder haram or halal? Please tell in light of all 4 Major Imams teachings.
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Assalamualaikum. I would like to know if canned mushroom(product of China) is halal to consume as ive heard that the mushrooms are elevated in a place where they rear pigs. thanks... More
Assalamalekum, I have read in some book that a person if he/she eats 21 raisins per day, is saved from all diseases except death. Is it right? And one more thing, i asked a question long back, but did not get the reply yet...pls. check that as well....... 23rd sep -2322292 .. More
Asalamu Aleikum Warahmatu-Allah, BismillahiRahmani Rahim, Dear Brother i was informed that using of Deodarant may lad to Cancer, i did some research and i was told that we can apply Lemon first on the armpt and use the deodarant which will not have any affect, is using the lemon allowed in Islam, as you mentioned before the use of some kind of food.. More
aoa,i have question that i live in latvia where there is very less muslim ,i used to eat yougurat but just few days before i saw there is gelatin inside they say it is bones of animals which they make hot and than mix in yougurat so kindly tell me can we eat this,thank you in advance to guide me and help me.. More
Assalaamu alaykkum, While consuming milk we add water and drink it. Is that allowed or is it haraam? I also heard someone saying that mixing water with milk and drinking is good for the knees. So i kindly request you to state whether mixing water in milk is haraam or halal? And under what circumstances should it be done?.. More
Assalamu alaikum. i live in a non muslim country & please clear following doubts in relation to swine. a. In farming pig excreta has been used after composting as furtilizer.Is it permisable to consume vegitable grown in such conditions? b. Pig skin is commonly used to produce leather products.some times it is dificult to identify and discreminate.. More
Asalam Aleikum,
Is it permissible to eat Biltong ( Dried strips of spiced meat which is not cooked just dried )
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As a Muslim, i cannot eat swine but can i eat tofu bacon, otherwise known as facon?.. More
aoa wrb,plz answer the following questions in light of quran,ahadith and proper refrences.
1.iv heard from some people in my country that we should to Wuzu before we cook food,and the food cooked in such a way will produce noor inside us we we eat it,is it true? it makruh (disliked) to eat prawns,crabs and other such sea food etc.?
3.the spinal.. More
Assalaamu alaikum, Regarding your Fatwa No. 90144 on carnivorous animals, we have a question: Does this mean that animals who are fed say grain mixed with meat, even though they are vegetarian, like chickens are, are okay or not okay? Jazak Allah khair... More
Salaam Alaykum sheikh,
Why Fluoride is not forbidden in Islam though it contains hazardous diseasese, we generally drink water that contains 0.8 ppm fluoride in our Muslim locality.
It causes prenatal deaths including uterine cancer, impairs immune system, severe skeletal fluorosis, Infertility, Hip fractures, Thyroid disorder , Alzheimer Disease,.. More
Can muslims eat in a five star hotel where they keep all the halaal meat and fish together with pork in the same cool room? SALAAM... More
Is it permissable to ask a muslimowner of a restuarant if his meat is halal. Also is it required for a muslim to check every item (in items that one assumes are made from halal items eg. butter, bread, biscuits etc) Does a perusal of these items need to made to verify wether it is halal. Or should one only check once you have heard that there may be.. More
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