Assalamoalaikum, I want to know that is it permissible to use cell phones and internet for calling,making money online,halal entrtainment and study purpose as cell phone radiations are very very harmful for bees and many other animals, Also Allah swt says in Quran that-EVIL SIGNS HAVE APPEARED ON LAND BECAUSE OF WHAT HUMANS HAVE EARNED THROUGH OPPRESSION.. More
Asslamu Alaykum Wa Rahamtu Allah Wa Barakatuh. Jazakum Allah khairan for this site and for you efforts in answering our questions. My question may be the first to see about this subject. So there is something called ASMR -Autonomous sensory meridian response- which is a feeling of relaxation that very few people get when listening to certain sounds.. More
Assalamu aleikom wa rahmatuAllahi wa barakatuh! Please help me subhanAllah i had a sever cough that didnt let me sleep at all and it became so painful i had to cry. My husband went to buy syrup for my coughing because no other medicine worked (took antibiotics, anti-inflammatory injections, codeine tablets, and paracetamol) i felt asphyxiation . He.. More
Asalaam alaikom warahmatollah, First I want to say that I ask Allah to grant you paradise for clearing alot of misconceptions via this website. My question is is it permissible to perform a beard transplantation where the hair of the head is transplanted to the cheeks in order to get a full beard. The reason why I ask this question is because I lack.. More
Essalaamou aleikum wa rahmatul lahi wa barakatuh I ask Allah for his guidance mercy and forgiveness for myself and all believers. I have epilepsy and all praises is to Allah for he has been merciful and I get my seizures only at night mostly while I am in bed but once almost two years ago I got a seizure while I was outside and fell on my head and hit.. More
A person Is addicted to pornography and Masturbation, He Became Victom of Whispers about Allah , prophet PBUH and Prophet PBUH family. While watching Porn And Masturbating he Feels bad Whisper About Above mentioned Personalities. He sometimes Gets Illusion That he is doing This By himself. Evrytime he masturbates while watching porn , he feel whispers.. More
Assalamualaikum, I have this company which I founded with four other Muslim brothers. It’s an online website which lists restaurants in the city of Dhaka Bangladesh as a result you can easily find restaurants in the area you reside. We take menus from the restaurant and take pictures of the interior and upload it on our website so that people can.. More
Salam, My uncle is a smoker,but he quitted for one year and came back to it.He has been told by my family and I to stop again,yet he doesn’t listen.He at times smokes inside the garage which I don’t like,because the smell of the cigarette comes inside the house.I told my family to tell him to smoke outside far away from the house,however they seem.. More
Asalam o Alaoikum!! I appreciate you for having the great knowledge. I want to ask that if someone is ill physically and mentally both.. And due to his mental health and some psychological problems he cannot offer all the obligations but try to offer them at his best. He made an oath but breaks it. Due to his mental health he is so much adversely affected.. More
Assalamualaikum. A woman after childbearing had done breast implant to please her husband only when she had less hidayah.her husb. is extremely happy with her for she has more hidaya n taqwa so she feels guilty.and is thinking of undoing that surgery and separating from her husb as she will be of no use to him.what advice should I give her.?.. More
As-salamu 3laikum, In one fatwa you said that doubts which merely cross the mind are just waswaas, whereas doubts that settle in the heart are kufr. I have a problem with this that I am worried about and I asked this question before but I could not find the answer in the fataawa you sent me to. My problem is that sometimes the shaytaan whispers something.. More
I require clarification on an issue. I am thinking of undergoing a cosmetic procedure for my chin due to the fact that my lower jaw is recessive and is smaller and pushed back than the rest of my face (I have been told by a surgeon - not muslim though) This affects me mentally and constantly distracts me and makes me feel down. I have read that it is.. More
I fear I might have accidently said something that Islam does not agree with, for the stuff that I don't remember but want to repent from what do I do? What about the mistakes I have made while describing or teaching others about Allah (I think I made a mistake while saying you can't give Allah new names by saying you can't give Allah the name "spinner.. More