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3194 fatwas

  • No Guarantee of Loss Without Negligence

    Salam. I hve taken money as invstmnt from 4 ppl for business and i didnt not manage it properly and made a loss. One of a partner is asking for the full investment back,but i have very few amount of money left with me after the loss.If i give back his full investment then i cannot settle the full investment of other partners. Hence i have said to him.. More

  • Giving Riba Interests to People Affected with Floods

    Asalamu AlykumI have savings account in the bank because no Islamic bank available in india. I have few interest money and i want to get rid if itCan i donate that money to flood hit areas like kerala. I am unable to find very needy person in my locality. JazakAllah khaiyran .. More

  • Earning Money by Posting Quran and Da’wah Videos on YouTube

    Dear Brothers and Sisters,Is making money while doing Dawwah by posting Quran and Dawwah on youtube haram? Thank you for your response. .. More

  • Purchased Household Products by Installments from Bank

    Assalamualikum,My name is Mustafa and I am from Cambodia. I would like to have some questions regarding Riba.I used to purchase some household products for my home by installment payment with the bank. In the past I didn't realize that this kind of purchase was associated with Riba. Someone told me that when you make the purchase, as long as you don't.. More

  • Selling Chicken to Celebrate Christmas

    Chickens is usually killed to celebrate Christmas in Nigeria. Thus, is it allowed for a Muslim who coincidentally have chickens to sell at this period (without intention of Christmas) to move with his business, knowing that most of the purchaser will kill it for Christmas. .. More

  • Profit From Business Established by a Riba-Based Loan

    Asalam alakumI live in non Islamic countryI have taken loan on interestI was having little knowledge that interest is Haram . Now finally I have decided to close that loan and in future I will not take any type of loan on interest. I have repented to Almighty Allah for my sins.Now my question is the loan which I take before 5years for business every.. More

  • Father Wants to Take Back a Property He Had Gifted

    As Salaam Alai Kum, All praise to Allah. My sister (May Allah grant her Jannah), pressurised my father and took a lot of his property. By Allah’s will she died and now my father and mother feel they have not much left for their own day to day and medical expenses. My late sister yet is survived by 2 sons and her husband. Can my father ask back atleast.. More

  • It Is Permissible to Gift the Nephew

    Dear Sir, My two uncles have no child and they want to give me their agriculture land (only two acres) , so is it possible to gift land from Uncle to his nephew when his wife is also alive. .. More

  • Mortgage to Buy House in America

    What is the fatwa on mortgage to buy house in america .. More

  • A Female Doctor Practicing In Ultrasound

    Asalam-o-AlaikumI have seen many videos (Youtube) and Q/A on your site explaining that a male doctor should see male and a female doctor should see female patients until there is no option available. If there is no female doctor then a female patient can go to a male doctor.My wife is a doctor and she is practicing as Sonologist (Ultrasound). Masha.. More

  • Salary Deposited In An Account With Interest

    I work for a NGO and my basic salary is 7447 birr ( Ethiopian birr). 50% of that money is further deposited into an account on my behalf ( provident fund, as they call it) with a small but poisonous interest (35 birr for every 1000 birr). How should I deal with that kind of money? Thank you. .. More

  • Father Forced Him to Get a Riba-Based Loan

    Salaam aleikum. I'm a man in my 30s and when I was a teenager my father forced a student loan on me without my approval. He went to the office with me and forced me to take the loan and sign my name by intimidating and threatening me. It didn't matter how many times I said I didn't want to, he just didn't care.At that time I also didn't know that taking.. More

  • Istisnaa' Contracts

    Assalamualaikum, syaikh please give me an explanation. I ordered a type 36 house with a developer with payment of credit.At the beginning of the ba'i isthisna , I think that the ba'i isthisna without any cash in front is legalized. At the time of house building process reaching 50%, I started to be in doubt of the legalization of the isthisna agreement... More

  • Working as a Controller in a Taxi Company

    Asalamu alaykum what is the ruling on working as a controller in a taxi company: accepting phone calls from the customers who are booking a taxi, then gathering the jobs that are booked for that day and handing them out to drivers and then keeping an eye on the drivers to make sure the customer gets to there destination on time which might mean taking.. More

  • Designing AC Systems for Central Banks

    Alsalam alykomi am a mechanical engineer working as a designer of air conditioning systems for any type of building .My question is : is it haram to design the air conditioning system for a central bank? .. More