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3194 fatwas

  • Donating a Mus'haf or a Prayer Mat as an Endowment to the Mosque

    Salam aleikum If one gives prayer mat or quran to a mosque or to Another muslim . Does that Count as sadaqa jariyah that every time somebody pray or recite quran Will i get ajer bcz i gave them quran / prayer mat .. More

  • Working As a Pilot

    I want to become pilot and I passed two of three pilot exams but I am very afraid that I will miss at least one prayer in my entire lifetime as a pilot. The job of a pilot is my dream but praying every prayer on time is more important. This stresses me alot. So my question is, is it allowed to pray all prayers sitting in a plane although the plane just.. More

  • Paying Taxes or Penalties from Riba Interest or Pension Funds

    I leave in an non-islamic country. We have a rule here that we need to file in tax returns even if NIL annually. My wife has defaulted on this as she was not aware NIL return was to be submitted as well. Now this may attract penalties and interest thereof by the tax body. Can we pay such charges from interest received from bank account or interest from.. More

  • Selling Unstitched Fabric to People Who May Wear Pants Below Ankles

    Assalamu alaykumI want to start unstitched fabric retailing store.But in place where i leave most people (almost all) wear their pants below the ankles.If i were to sell them unstitched fabric they will take it to a tailor and have it stitched long enough to hang below the ankles.Is it permissible to sell these people, unstitched fabric? .. More

  • Working In a Mixed environment and Distributing Medicine Including Alcohol

    1. After long search for a halal job he found a job in a warehouse for plants. But when he got there he saw that men and women worked in the same place. He got very disappointed because of that and worked there for only two days. Is it allowed for him to keep the money he earned there which was about 150 euro or does he have to give it as charity or.. More

  • Dividing a Property of Inheritance Which is up For Renovation

    Assalamualikum BrotherWe are 4 brothers and 4 sisters we are well aware that as per islamic law brother will get double the share of sister but the house is very old so we are planing to give it for development. We would like to know wether we should divide the property before development or after development for giving sisters share.Wating for your.. More

  • Working in HSBC Bank

    Assalamualaykum I am hussain live in hyderabad india. My question is I got job in Hsbc mnc company. This is multinational banking company. If i do job in this company. So is this haram or halal .. More

  • Copying Copyrighted Materials and Abiding by the Law

    Assalamu'alaykum. It is said that we must obey the law of the country if it doesn't go against the Sharia. Then am I sinning if I do something against the law but is lawful in Islamic perspective? Regarding this, we also know that some scholars think that having copied copyrighted material for personal use is allowed. But the fact is, almost every country.. More

  • Company’s Products used in Haram Ways

    AsSalamu alaykum shaikh. I want to ask you is my job halal. I work in stock of one company and my job is to check stock and order missing equipment while I do not sale it and don`t transfer it. Colleagues from sale department after sale goods to customer come in stock and take equipment they sold. They sometimes sale this equipment to companies that.. More

  • Fees Deducted When Using Other Banks’ ATMs

    Assalamu Alaykum. Plz ans me directly asap. I have an saving account in an Islamic bank. They gave me a visa debit card so that i may withdraw cash (of my savings) from their own ATM booths. But their booths are a few. But with this visa card i may also withdraw cash from the near ATM booths of other traditional banks, but in that case a fixed amount.. More

  • Money Earned From Selling Non-Hijabi Clothes to Non-Muslim Women

    I'm 20, still studying, my father sells non hijabi clothes to non muslim women who will certainly wear it in public. Are his money permissible for me? .. More

  • Changing Copyrighted Bookmark Designs and Reselling Them

    Assalamu alaikom, I bought some designs for uncolored bookmarks that I am free to print any number of copies of and use personally, as long as i dont resell those printed copies for profit. However, if i color and decorate those copies, meaning that i would change those designs with my own effort and ideas, can I sell them and charge money for the effort.. More

  • Ji’alah Contract

    salam. i want to advise a client on how to save money by paying less tax. can i take a percentage based fee based on agreement with him (i take 10%/20% of how much money i save him)? or must i confine myself to a fixed fee? i am very confused as in case of fixed fee, either i have the risk of charging him low in relation to the value i provide for him.. More

  • Father Bought a House with Riba-Based Loan

    Assalam u Alaikum wa Rahmatullah hi Wa Baraktuhu.My question is regarding riba and its further consequences. If ones father has purchased a house and taken a mortage for x amount of money for a 12 year period approximately and on that there is a 2.7 percent cost of borrowing or interest rate as is supposedly written on the monthly bank statement bills.. More

  • Salary of Hostess Is Forbidden

    What about ruling on income of an airhostess,Can it be acceptable in the path of ALLAH.I mean that Can she pay zakat or do udhiyyah or do umrah,hajj with such an income because her job violates principles of Islam and the Hadeeth in which the Prophet (blessings and peace of ALLAH be upon him) said: “O people, ALLAH is Good and He, therefore, accepts.. More