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3194 fatwas

  • Getting commercial car insurance to work and support family

    Assalaamu alaykum. May Allaah bless you. I would like to work for a company called Uber as a driver with my own car. The issue is that the company requires that the car be insured in order to be accepted to work with the company. In the country in which I live, insurance is not deemed obligatory by the government. However, the company makes it mandatory.. More

  • Assigning profit in partnership-Mudhaarabah contract

    My friend is conducting a business and asked me to invest some money in his business. I gave him two lacs taka (Bangladeshi currency) without any contract. The percentage of profit which he will give me was not discussed and not written in a contract. He gives me a part of the profit after 3/4/6 months, but it is not fixed amount. When he makes a big.. More

  • Recording interest on late tax payment

    I am an accountant and I have my own accounting practice; one of the services I offer is to bring the tax payers up to date if they have not disclosed income before. In this service, after all calculations, we have to work out the tax liability as well as the interest due on the late paymentwith a government calculator. I wanted to know the following:.. More

  • Using stolen bike to go to work

    Assalaamu alaykum. I have a question regarding doing business based on funding that is mixed from permissible and prohibited sources. I have several scenarios: - The first scenario is the following: if I have a bike which I got from someone who stole it. I know that this is wrong, but let us say that I still use the bike for work. Does this makes.. More

  • Paying bank charges from interest money

    Are we allowed to pay our bank charges with interest money? For example, the money that the bank charges for the withdrawal of our own halal money? We do not want interest; we do not want to use it in anyway; we just want to give back their money which they give as interest in the form of bank charges. If we do not pay these charges to the bank from.. More

  • Impermissible to sell jobs to job seekers

    Is it allowed for me to sell a job to a job seeker provided that the company gets the full amount of money provided by the job seeker? .. More

  • Dividing estate among husband, two daughters and six siblings

    Assalaamu alaykum. Please calculate the inheritance according to the following information: - Does the deceased have male relatives who are entitled to inherit: (A full brother) Number 5 (A nephew from a full brother) Number 15 (A husband) - Does the deceased have female relatives who are entitled to inherit: (A daughter) Number 2 (A full sister).. More

  • Violating state regulations in building house

    Assalaamu alaykum. About four years ago, my father (who is, praise be to Allah, still with us) bought a piece of land for which we paid money from halal earnings (even I contributed from my salaries in the purchase). After some time, we started the construction, and again with halal earnings (I also contributed in this). However, while filling the land,.. More

  • Spending money on other than it was donated for

    Hi. My family is poor, and they do not have a regularly income. They were in need of two beds and a little table. So they asked the government to give them some financial aid, and some people from the government visited the house to see the situation. They approved the aid and gave the family 500 dollars. They said that they could use 200x2 for two.. More

  • Division of inheritance among two sisters and one nephew

    Assalaamu alaykum. Please calculate the inheritance according to the following information: - Does the deceased have male relatives who are entitled to inherit: (a nephew from a full brother) Number 1 - Does the deceased have female relatives who are entitled to inherit : (a full sister) Number 2 .. More

  • Demanding extra payment to rescind a sale

    Assalaamu alaykum. A year ago, my brother made a deal to purchase a second-hand car (about 40% was paid from my account). He finalized the deal with the owner and paid an advance on the money and took the car to our home. Then, on another day, my brother was ready to pay the remaining money, but the seller said that he want to take the car back. My.. More

  • Fulfilling employer's condition not to do private work outside working hours

    Assalaamu alyakum. My uncle is an architect; he draws houses. His company told him that if he wants to work for them, he has to sign a contract that says that he cannot do private work on the side, like on weekends (as they want all work in the area to come to them so they get more money). My uncle signed it, but he does not follow it; he has started.. More

  • Parents entitled to take back gift given to their child

    Assalaamu alaykum. I am a married women. After 10 years of my marriage, my father gave me a property and said that he had given me my Haqq (right). All legal papers were done in my name, and I started to live in this property. After four years, I decided to rent the place for money, but my father and brother started a fight with me over this point... More

  • Using credit card as part of work duties

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Dear Shaykh, am I allowed to use my company credit card issued by a conventional bank (interest-based) for e-government services for company purpose. Please note that I am in no way involved in settling the interest or the amount with the bank. I am only using the credit card given by the company the.. More

  • Using trickery to get one's rights

    I have a contraction company and I want to be very accurate in my livelihood, but every day, we face situations that confuse me about halal and haram. I will present an example in a very simple way because the real situation may have many ramifications. There was a certain written agreement between me and a client, saying that I deserve a certain amount.. More