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3194 fatwas

  • Taking fruit from neighbor's tree branch dangling in one's garden

    If there are two neighbors, and neighbor A has an apple tree, and a branch of the apple tree hangs on the side of neighbor B's garden, is neighbor B allowed to take an apple from this branch, because it is on his side of the garden? Or is it considered theft? .. More

  • Paying bribe to get one's right and ward off evil

    Assalaamu alaykum. I want to open a small shop on a road in my area. The road is normally not anyone's private property, and it is common for people to set up small shops, which is tolerated by the government. The problem is that local police officers and powerful leaders regularly ask the shop owners for an amount of money. If it is not paid, then.. More

  • Working in Central Bank of Muslim country

    My question is the following: what is the Shariah point of view about working in the Central Bank of a Muslim country where both interest and non-interest based banks exist and the Central Bank deals with both kinds of banks? Many Muslim countries accommodate both the interest-based traditional banking system and Islamic banking, and their Central Bank.. More

  • Non-Muslim son does not inherit from Muslim father

    A muslim man married a christian lady 22 years ago. They have a son who is about 20 years old. The man left his family and settled in another country. The mother raised the boy. The man did help them, but only very little. The lady died 6 months ago. The man died last month. The family of the man do not want to give anything to the boy because he is.. More

  • Siblings do not inherit if deceased left son or grandson, or even great-grandson

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. When do the children prevent the inheritance the siblings of the deaceased? .. More

  • Working at bKash (mobile money system in Bangladesh)

    Please answer quickly and do not refer to another fatwa. "bKash" is a mobile money system in Bangladesh operating under the jurisdiction of the Bangladesh Central Bank as a subsidiary of BRAC Bank, a local interest-basedbank. The service aims to serve users at the bottom of the economic pyramid (BOP) ensuring a broader range of financial services across.. More

  • Working as programmer in shipping company

    I work for a shipping company as a programmer. My job requires me to create a program which takes in information about the item being shipped and stores it somewhere else. I do not see what items are being shipped nor who is doing so. I just make the program that will automatically do this job. In this program, I am required to provide fields, such.. More

  • Ruling on money from India's NPS retirement pension

    Assalaamu alaykum. I am a government employee in Karnataka, India. There is a new retirement pension scheme called NPS; it is obligatory for everyone. In this plan, 10% of our basic salary is deducted every month, and a same amount is deposited from the govenment side to a separate account. This amount is utilized by the government on the stock market,.. More

  • Giving non-Muslim mother part of inheritance from father

    I will inherit money from my late father in Egypt next year, when I become twenty-one years old. My mother is Christian, can I give her some of the inheritance. I do not speak Arabic. Will I require a lawyer to help with paper work? Many thanks. Omar .. More

  • Selling goods through Amazon

    Assalaamu alaykum. May Allaah bless you. I was wondering whether it is allowed to work through I buy goods from China and immediately forward it to one of the warehouses of Amazon in the USA, which I have paid for their services. I live in the Netherlands and sell goods through, and they store my goods in their warehouse and also.. More

  • Cutting off other's internet connection to increase speed of own connection

    Assalaamu alaykum. I am currently a student of B.A Islamic studies at IOU (Islamic online university). The people around me (except a few), use the internet for haram purposes. Is it permissible for me to cut off their connection without their knowledge so that I can carry on with my studies as the speed becomes very low? Or can I do so while they are.. More

  • Preparing letters to banks and insurance companies as part of job duties

    Assalaamu alaykom. First, I would like to thank you for your efforts, and I apologize if my question is long, but it is so important to me as I am currently so sad and worried, and I do not know what to do. I work as a human resources officer in a private company, and I want to ask about some of the official letters that I have to issue. Among my duties.. More

  • Working as part-time singer without music

    Assalaamu alaykum. I am a singer, and I want to take singing as a hobby and part-time profession. Of course, I will not use music, but some people tell me that singing and vocal melody in itself, even without music, is haram, and they cite proof that the Companions, may Allaah be pleased with him, criticised singing. However, in all your fatwas, I read.. More

  • No inheritance for siblings and grandchildren if deceased had sons

    Assalaamu alaykum. Please calculate the inheritance according to the following information: - Does the deceased have male relatives who are entitled to inherit: (A son) Number 5 (A grandson [from the son]) Number 2 (A full brother) Number 1 (A half brother [from his mother]) Number 1 - Does the deceased have female relatives who are entitled to.. More

  • Giving property to children before death

    I have three children: one son and two daughters. I lost my wife a decade ago. I have my own house. I thought of writing a deed for these three children, but my son is generously giving his share to his sisters. Now I thought of writing a deed for the two daughters. My friends say that my son must give his permission in writing because it concerns an.. More