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3194 fatwas

  • Continuing to receive benefits meant for married people after divorce

    Dear Mufti. My parents are divorced. However, when my parents were still married, they got a membership to a club, and this membership lasts a lifetime for each individual person in the family. So my question is: can my mother continue using this membership since at the time of getting the membership, they were married, and it is for a lifetime. She.. More

  • Working in children's park where random sins are committed

    Assalaamu alaykum. I want to have a tea stall in an amusement park. This park is mainly for children, but sometimes some sins are committed there, like children's female guardians coming without hijab or non-married couples dating. Can I still open the stall there? .. More

  • Buying Islamic antiques lest non-Muslims buy them

    Dear Mufti. I live in a city called Belem in Brazil. In one year, I have only seen three Muslims here, since 99 percent of the population here consists of Christians. I went to a small antique shop, and I saw a frame with the words "Laa Ilaaha IllAllaah" (there is nothing worthy of worship but Allaah) and other Islamic words written on it. I bought.. More

  • Paying and recording interest as part of accountant's job

    Assalaamu alaykum. Please do not direct me to another fatwa. I live in America, and I work as a staff accountant, and I have different clients, but all clients have checking accounts and savings accounts that earn interest. I am in charge of recording the interest which they gain through these accounts in a book. Some clients, not all, take out loans.. More

  • Debt not to be settled with money earned from interest

    Assalaamu alaykum. Can received interest be utilized to settle a debt? My father passed away and there are some debts left to settle. We received his Employment Providence Fund (EPF) from the government (labour department); the total amount is approximately LKR 950,000. In that, only LKR 266,000 is the contribution; the balance amount is interest. Can.. More

  • Listing products on Amazon

    Assalaamu alaykum. Amazon.comworks by allowing you to register a seller account on the site, whereby you can list products which you want to sell on Amazon. Once the customer orders your product on Amazon, the money paid by the customer is transferred into the seller account while a part of the money is deduced by Amazon for listing your product. Then.. More

  • Using pirated software in teaching computer science

    Assalaamu alaykum, Shaykh. A person has offered me a job. He is about to open a computer institute, and he needs someone who could teach the students. The fees will be shared between him and the teacher in half. I can teach as many subjects as I wish, and the profit will be shared between us in half. However, I am sure that he will use pirated software.. More

  • Suspecting that landlord steals electricity

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaah. I currently rent a room, and I think that the owner of the room in which I live steals electricity, as he provides me with proper heating along with warm water. I personally think that it is unlikely that he is not involved in the theft of electricity. What should I do in this situation? I am not one hundred percent.. More

  • Repaying relative for what he reluctantly bought

    Assalaamu alaykum. When I was young, I insisted that one of my uncles buy me a toy. As this took place in public, he bought me the toy to avoid being embarrassed and against his will. On another occasion, he bought me a shirt during his wedding. He did not tell me that it was a gift, but he did not ask for its price either. Shall I return the price.. More

  • Ruling on three kinds of trade agreements

    Assalaamu alaykum. I have a question about trade. I was introduced to a brother who supplies brand new LCDs and buys broken (refurbishable) LCDs. We came to an agreement which states that I buy broken LCDs for a certain price, for example £15 each, and then I sell it to him (the brother) for a certain price, for example £22 each, making me the £7.. More

  • Using money other person earned from interest

    Assalaamu alaykum. I am a practising Muslim who lives in Pakistan. Praise be to Allaah, I have changed a lot after reading the Quran with translation; I have stoped doing those things which could make my Allaah angry and started doing those things which could make Allaah happy; I have started loving Prophet Muhammad, sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam,more.. More

  • Paying money to avoid standing in queue

    Assalaamu alaykum. I have a question: if it permissible for me to pay money in order to not stand in line when getting a drivers license? Is it like paying an agent some money just to get the work done instead of getting into ques? And is an urgent fee haram? I am merely paying the person to expedite the process which I would be waiting a lot of time.. More

  • Hajj organizer using Hajj funds for his own benefit

    Assalaamu alaykum. Dear Sheikh, some Hajj candidates paid a sum of money to a Hajj organizer who promised that those Hajj candidates will take their flight for Hajj after a waiting period of about 10 years (due to abundant Hajj candidates). During that waiting period, is it permissible for the Hajj organizer to use that money to build a building or.. More

  • Doctor treating opposite gender without necessity

    Assalaamu alaykum. If a male or female doctor examines and treats patients of the opposite gender without necessity, is their income halal? .. More

  • Working for company established with interest-based loan

    Assalaamu alaykum. I have two specific questions based on interest. Firstly, I would like to know; if a company takes an interest-based loan to sustain or even build itself and hires employees, which is the case for most companies these days, is it impermissible to work for these companies? For example, working in the engineering, logistics and other.. More