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5673 fatwas

  • Wife is sinful for using contraceptives without husband's permission

    if the woman using birth control without husband permitting, one year age she used plaster on her arm to, when I see it she lied and say is just head pain, then after had argument with her she stopped using that method and was sorry then since last year to date I was trying to have baby and last week told me she is used pregnant pills I was very upset.. More

  • Marriage of a Muslim man to an apostate woman is invalid

    Assalam alaykum. There is a muslim lady who got married with a christian, and that lady became christian too, and they have 3 children. There is a muslim man who want to take her from that christian man and marry her in order to persuade her to come back to islam. If that lady acceptes to come back to islam and get married with that muslim man, so is.. More

  • A father should not feel shame if his sons support him financially

    Dear Brother, Asalam Alaikum , I am retired teacher served for 40 years in hyderabad india has written and compiled books on Islam, appealed for publication, but unfortunately I received no response. The reason best know to Allah. I have been suffering for Heart and diabetic aliment since 20 years. I have 2 daughters married (somehow) by His Mercy and.. More

  • Studying must not prevent you from your religious obligations

    Assalam aleikum, I am a single lady currently working and attending evening classes for Accounts. Alhamdulillahi I have completed 4 sections out of the 6 sections. There is one thing that is bothering me at the moment, the issue of coming home late at night because of attending the classes. I dont feel comfortable at all. I dont have enough time to.. More

  • Her husband believes that the Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, was created from light

    What is the islamic solution if the husband belives that our prophet SAWS was created from the light of Allah? or he SAWS is created from light? He dont bow to any nor call upon any except Allah nor is involed in visiting graves for haraam purpose or wearing haraam amulets ...there is no other shirk seems that he believe only becuz he has.. More

  • She discovered that her husband was a fornicator

    What is to be done if a chaste woman marries a Zaani (fornicator) without knowing? She married him believing him to be a pious man then found out about his past by finding pictures and messages through his phone and computer. He may still be involved in sin because he leaves the house when he is off work and does not come back for hours, and he continues.. More

  • A complicated case of divorce

    We got married last year. I live in UAE and my husband in the USA, as our reception is yet to happen. In Feb, we had a fight and I end up asking my husband for separation, he didn’t divorce me, but messaged "i free you from me for your benefit". In Mar, we had another argument and he sent me an email saying divorce, divorce, divrce….& that time.. More

  • Ruling on marrying a woman pregnant from Zina

    my daughter committed zina and she is pregnant by another muslim who is her step brother. i took the position based on the fatawa by the permanent committee in saudi arabia that they can't get married until after the child is born. her step father is saying that sheikh uthaymeen has a position that it is permissible to get married before the child is.. More

  • Your marriage is valid even if it is not built on love

    I married to a girl of my parents choice to whom I did not wanted / liked to marry. I don't like her. In fact I hate her. I married only to keep my parents happy and due to their consistent pressure. She married to me on her parent's choice but she wanted it and is happy about it. It's been 5 years now since I married, have a kid, but I'm not happy.. More

  • Racism must be denounced even if it comes from parents

    my family (my parents and my brother) are racist and always think little about my husband who is from another culture (eventhough he is a Muslim also). They didn't stop me when I married him, they agreed with the marriage and everything. But ever since after the marriage, they show so much racism and they put him down. My husband is a great husband.. More

  • Islam did not command detaining a sinful wife in a separate room

    Salam alaikum, I have read following hadith: Ibn Ishaq/Hisham 969 - Requires that a married woman be "put in a separate room and beaten lightly" if she "act in a sexual manner toward others." According to the Hadith, this can be for an offense as petty as merely being alone with a man to whom she is not related. Kash-shaf of al-Zamkhshari (Vol. 1, p... More

  • Her husband is a violent narcissist who doesn't pray

    Assalamu alaikum, What can i do when i can not get divorce in my country from my husband? I live in Finland. I have asked from several islamic center in my country but all of them stopped helping me even i have proved that my husband have already other fiancee and i have picture where he is touching her even they are not married. I have also much messages.. More

  • Separation between spouses is not divorce, even if it lasts long

    Assalam o Alaikum brother I would like to ask sumthing from you as you have better knowledge. When I got married to my husband he said that I could ask for separation or divorce whenever i wanted. Does that mean he has given me right to divorce myself whenever i want? We had some issues in our marriage and I didnt want to be with him anymore. I am not.. More

  • A non-Muslim parent is not entitled to custody of Muslim children

    Salam wa alykoum, I am emailing you to ask you what islam say about my kids live with their christian mother as we are divorced? and now she is has a boy friend, she is a good woman as she respected me and she never bring her boyfriend to her house while my kids there with her, but is that right i stop her bring her partner to her house while my kids.. More

  • He lost hope in finding a good wife

    Salamu alaykum. I am 22 years now and I was brought up in the West. I have needed a wife for 10 years now as there is so much fitnah in the Western societies. I hate the process of finding a wife because I never find anyone suitable or if I get in touch with someone suitable (not directly obviously), the process takes so long time and they say that.. More