Assalamu alaikum. I am writing this for a desperate father whose daughter got married a guy (homosexual) without knowing . During a counselor session he disclosed that he is a guy. Now the father wants to get divorced from him but she says she wants him and she will adjust her life with him. My question is if the father let her to continue with him.. More
im 21 years under a mild depression.but alhamdulillah i can involve in many activities.I thought if i marry a good religious person my depression will disappear. but my parents doesnt have any ideas of that sort as im under depression.tell me your ideas.i like to live only for the sake of allah.So give me some it good for me to marry.. More
Is it permissible for my husband to stop my children from seeing my family. He has had disputes with them in the past and is always full of resentment for them. He only lets me take my youngest two children and not my two eldest because he thinks that they will somehow poison their minds against him. I can confirm that this is not the case and that.. More
assalamu aleikum i am a convert. i married more or less 6 years ago. 3 children. recently i found out that he smoked from before marriage. i dont know if he still does . he also smoked in front of his children he also lied about it during our marriage, because since long i suspected he might smoke. when we got married he didnt tell me. i never would.. More
salam alaikom, i have a question to ask. My parents got divroced and my mother has become a non muslim, she has concieved two children by zinaa and to her she sees it as being normal because she isnt muslim anymore. Are these children classed as my brothers and do i have to give them there rights as brothers ?
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I have separted from my husband throgh khoula 3 years before. after 24 years we lived together.we have 2 daughters. within 6 months he got his second marriage and now his second wife delivered a boy. my both daughters married. I am a working lady and i have spent all earning with him and bought 2 houses which is under his name. because of khula i could.. More
Slm, I have certain questions. I have been in a relation with a muslim girl for 5 years. I am single muslim guy. We both are 23 years old. Through this relation we came very close and have comitted zina. I told my parents that i like her and want to marry her but they refused to accept as the girl is not from our community. So my questions are: 1) Is.. More
As salaam o alaikom. Thanks for answering my previous question. I am presently pregnant Alhamdulillah and would like to do the aqiqah of my child on the seventhth day Insha allah. Can the meat be preserved and used for giving a feast after a couple of weeks, as I will not be able to attend to guest due to ill health? It is a practice in our family to.. More
assalamualaikom,I am newly embraced in islam and marreid for the 2nd time to a divorced muslim man.He have 2kids from his 1st wife now living with us.We dont hve kids of our own since 5yrs of merriage.Back in my christian life b4,i marreid for the 1st time and hve a son but our marreige didnt last.Raising my son till he reach the of 6yrs old i leave.. More
I was short on my rent this month. I told my wife that we should negotiate with the estate agent, to pay them in 10 days time. Behind my back she borrowed the money from an ex suitor, which has annoyed me a lot and we had a heated argument about it. I told her that she has disgraced and belittled me and I would not accept such behaviour again. She sent.. More
Asalamu aleykum. An awkward situation happened where a brother smoked some weed with another brother not knowing he had heart problems. He did not force him or anything it was of his own will. Unfortunately he passed away the same night because of the weed he smoked for the first time. Is the brother in any wrong? Jzk.
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Salam Alaikom, My daughter and I are traveling to Egypt soon where she will be engaged. Her father will not be present as we are divorced and he also is not Muslim and cannot leave the U.S. I am muslim alhamdulilah and my daughter is also muslim alhamdulilah. Is it permissable for me to accept this engagement without her father being present since he.. More
I am married since 13 years with an egytian he`s a "we can say moslem" ,we have a daughter 12 years old. I am muslim since 2 weeks. I live with my husband since a half year as divorced, i live even in the livingroom since then, my husband is not kind to me,very nervous and i trust since a long time no more his words i discovered through years that he.. More
salam wallikum ..a divorce saman a person from court came but i was not at home stating that your husband has sent it, but when i spoke to my husband he said that he did not sent it and he dose not want to divorce me, he said it could be his family, but after that I did not hear from him now he is saying that his affair with bhabhi should agreed by.. More