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5673 fatwas

  • Neither you nor your wife is blamed in this case

    I had sexual intercourse with my wife after she had made Ghusl for menstruation. On the next morning, however, she discovered that she had not removed the nail polish before Ghusl. What is the Sharee‘ah ruling on this case? .. More

  • Her husband wants half of her income to spend it on his second wife

    please help as Iam worried, I am married since 10 years I had three children my husband had affair with other woman before he got married to me and as soon as he got married to me he did a second marriage within three months as they were in relation ship already. I came to know when I was 7months pregnant with baby boy. I just prayed to God and did.. More

  • A mother mixes her money with that of her two orphan daughters

    After the demise of my husband, may Allaah have mercy upon him, I became in charge of raising two orphan daughters. I am an employee and spend on them from my own salary. Someone volunteered to support them by sending a sum of money on a monthly basis. Is it permissible for me to add their money to mine and spend on the needs of the home and the daughters.. More

  • His wife apostatized after 17 years of embracing Islam

    assalamulikum. i marry to swedish women. she accept islam 17 years. now she became murtad. we have 4 kids. she has lot of respect for me and my religion. she practice islam 17 years. she accept i tich my kids islam. she do not make any problem my religion matter. but she can not belive any religion. she do not drink alcohol. she do not eat pig meat... More

  • Her husband's uncle tried to sexually abuse her

    Assalamu Alaikum. I need some guidance and advices in sexual abuse by a family member. My husband's maternal uncle tried to sexually abuse me (like trying to hug me, kiss on my cheek, trying to touch me in inappropriate places). When he touched me first I didn't mind it as he is my husband's maternal uncle and he is a mahram to me. But after this went.. More

  • Marriage in the pre-Islamic era

    what is the method of marriage before Islam in Arabs .. More

  • Attending wedding of a girl whose father married his niece

    a man was married to his bhatiji and now his daughter is going to marry another uncles son so is it allowed to attend that marriage by other relatives .. More

  • A woman asking for Khul' may relinquish her delayed Mahr

    Assalaam u alaikum, Can you please tell me that if a husband does not give his wife mahr although it has been specified in the contract and she wants a divorce, does she have to buy back her freedom or can she simple ask for divorce? Jazak Allahu Khayr. .. More

  • Delaying pregnancy to make up missed Ramadan fasts

    It has been almost three years of our marriage. My husband and I are avoiding to have children till the mid of this year due to the fact that I have missed fasts to complete before the Ramadan of 2013 starts. However, my mother and others are really concerned of the fact that we don’t have children yet. Is it allowed for me to tell my mother ( she.. More

  • His wife claims that her children from him are illegitimate

    After nine years of marriage my wife admitted that all her four kids were illegitimate. I divorced her.She requested me to keep it a secret for the sake of kids. More than three years later she has filed a suit for recovery of maintenance of the kids. Before divorce she had taken an oath on Quran that she was innocent. Sometime later a religious scholar.. More

  • Confused whether her divorce was Talaaq or Khul'

    asalam-o-alaikum my husband was very short temperd and harsh and not used to fulfil his responsibilities as a husband and was also used to do verbal, physical and mental torture inspite of my every effort to keep him happy.even he didnt spend a peny on me, rather used my ATM & credit cards. ultimately my family came to knew this all. evry one tried.. More

  • She helped her husband build a house and his second wife wants to take it

    In Islam can a spouse (husband) in his life time pay back to his first wife what she has contributed financially to building their estate now that he has a second wife. The second wife has openly and maliciously manifested her desire to take the estate since the first wife has one daughter whilst the second has two sons? Please note that when the husband.. More

  • Repeating word of divorce thrice for emphasis

    Is it true that in hanbali fiqh/madhab that if a person repeats talaq due to emphasis then it is considered as one and not three like what hanafi's say? If so, can you please provide me with evidence supporting hanbali madhab regarding this question. Jazzakallah Khairun for all your support .. More

  • Her husband told her, 'I divorced you with all three'

    My husband had divorced me before, when I was ALONE no WHITNESES. but said may full name and said I devorced u with all THREE. and I know the words and understand them. when the morning came, I called my family to take me away, I was taken by my family. he was asked to leave too because the house belongs to my family.but he was told, if you can proof.. More

  • A wife stipulating that her husband should not beat her

    Assalamu alaikum Sheikh, In the video above explaining the ayah about the 'darb' of women in surat Al Nisaa, the speaker cites a hadith from Sunan Abu Dawud in which the Prophet, peace be upon him, says something like, "by what right does a man hit his wife ..." and says that the Prophet, pbuh, allowed women.. More