I have a colleague who has left her house leaving her husband alone. Though her husband pestered her to come home, she insisted staying away and subsequently filed for a divorce. She and her husband met at the syariah court and her husband refused to let her go on the ground that he is not guilty of anything and that he still loves her. During this.. More
on the day of travelling abroad i divorced my wife in the court without knowing her, in the court paper it was written 3 divorced but i did not pronounced it.My family told her later about the divorce but she did not received divorce paper sent by courier on purpose. Even union council has issued a final divorce certificate. Now it has been 5 months.. More
Salamu Aleykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, I have already read that it is not allowed for a Muslim to go the gym where it contains freemixing and music. My Situation is that my contract in the gym still has to be payed for more than a half year on monthly basis and I am not able to cancel it. Is it possible for me to visit the gym in the morning hours.. More
Would a woman attain the twenty-seven fold reward if she offered the prayer inside her home like the case of men who offer prayers in the mosque?.. More
q1: is it allow for marriage couple in islam to live with someone in their house, who were not relatives of either couple? q2: who is wali in marraige? q3: what is the ruling regarding to the ownership of properties ,such as cash, house any of such kind, and if the wife give her any of such ,should he take and enjoy even her dawry. thank you
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As-salamu 3laikum, My question is about travelling without a mahram. I was living in a place in Africa where there were a lot of Muslims. I reverted to Islam there. Many there followed Sufi practices and had other views which I felt uncomfortable with. Due to another issue, I returned to my country in Europe with the intention of completing my studies.. More
Assalaamu alikum wr wb, Three months ago, our daughter moved back home with us from her (my husband's brother) uncle and Aunty's house , a few weeks later we found out that in the past four years she and her uncle were married secretly, on the grounds that her father is not really her father - she stating that she has done DNA test between her and her.. More
Assalamualailum, I have few doubts in regards to Khula -Talaq-Marriage. My friend married a girl 3 years back. This was against both the parents wish and knowledge. They both dint tell at their homes regarding their marriage and stayed in their respective parents homes. When the parents came to know about their marriage , the girls father asked his.. More
Salam alaykoum, ive been married for 10 months now as a second wife (in a non-muslim country). my husband is often abroad, but when he is in the country, he lives with his 1. wife and their children in a house, in another city, then he comes to me (but its very seldom, in these 10 months we only spent 7 weeks together). he asked me if i would move to.. More
My child goes to secondary school in London(UK) and as part of the GCSE subjects, it has been mandatory that RE lesson (Christianity) is taught. This means that the child is reading and learning text books which contain verses from the bible. I don't want my child to learn this, but the school said it is mandatory. I don't know what to do. I now want.. More
Before marriage I was with a girl out of wedlock, ive had two children with the girl out of wedlock. I tried to keep it all quiet so I could keep my family happy. Well eventually it all came out nd I saw no other option to leave home. Now im with the girl out of wedlock looking after my children. Ive become colse to the kids and I dont want them to.. More
assalamou alaikom wa rahmat ALLAH wa barketouh sheikh,I have a question and it's been a while that i m looking for an answer for it ,hope you could give me some advice.I was engaged a while ago and im getting long with my fiance al hamdouliELLEH.the problem is that he is living in france so if we get married w'll have to(i ll have to )move there .At.. More
my sister-in-law is 30yr old and she and her father are stubborn when any proposal approaches. They want a 100% perfect groom and try to find faults in every proposal since last 8 yrs. They are not rich, nor my father -in -law is employed. My husband looks after the house expense and everything alhamdulillah. And he tries very hard to get a good proposal.. More
My original Question was about Nikah of a divorcee girl. The situation is that the boy sat in his room along with two witnesses and the girl sat in her house. Then, though skype they did ijaab and qubool and the two witnesses heard the girl’s voice as video chat was not used. 1. Fatwa no. 2378938 2. https://www.islamweb.net/en/fatwa/2387246 From previous.. More