bro, i have to ask some imp Qs and need quick reply..there is a bro who is currently studing in western country..stay is for 1-2yrs (he had no other option)Now, he has been asked to NOT 1- pray in mosque, 2- No dawah 3- trimming beard, cuz of fear getting haram or deported back to homeland,as many of the students have been deported with suspicion.. More
Respected scholar, I had been blessed with daughter on 5 March 2012, As my case is under trial in Islamic court. I came to about the birth of my daughter on 9 Mach 2012 from other sources and rushed to meet her but my mother in law did not enter me the room (Hospital) and called up police, for the same I complained in Islamic court. Judge.. More
Salam. A husband had misundersting with his wife regarding a trip she intended to make and the husband warned her that if she make that trip, SHE CEASED TO BE HIS WIFE and she still enberk on the trip. Question: does that his pronoucement means single divorce or all in one (3 divorce)- meaning they can not remary again except she marry some one.. More
I want to introduce myself. I once asked a question here saying is it ok to leave my husband temporary until he start practicing the sunah correctly. U guys answer that It's ok if I'm sure that he will change because of that. But Subhanallah, I did only for a few days because I was disappointing my family according to them so I came back. I came.. More
My wife doesn't like to do french kiss. Should I force her to do french kiss or avoid doing that. Apart from french kiss she fulfills all her duties of a wife and doesn't stop me from anything... More
We had 2 children with a gap of just 6 months & my wife had to live in pakistan with IN-Laws for 2nd baby's delivery.She experienced a very hard time with them due to their negative behaviour towards her & my elder son who was few months old by the time she got pregnant with 2nd kid. She was humiliated & joked by other relatives for.. More
Assalamu Alaikum! Would like to introduce me as a strong believer in Islam. However, I'm in love with a non-muslim guy(hindu), in which he loved me a lot and me too doing the same. Since I love him, I want him to come out of his ignorance and soon embrace to Islam and believe the only Almighty is Allah and Allah only. I dont wish to marry him as.. More
I have been troubled by my husband since 14 years, he kicked me out of his hours with the 3 children, and now he is blaming me that i have ran from his house with his children, and jewels. But the fact was he had snached all my jewels and money with all the things given by my parents during the marriage. Everything is in his house, now he is asking.. More
I have a friend who converted in islam for 1 and a half year already, she is separated in her husband for 4 years and having a relationship with a muslim man right now and it happens that they commit fornication and my friend is pregnant now and she is so confuse what she will do.....please I need your view in this case,jazak'Allah khairan... More
Salam, My issue is of a drama! I agreed to marry a married man, he wife did not know at the time when we got married! Her husband told her he had intent & she could not see his just reason why he would want to get married!! So we keeped it secret.. We had only been married for 2months & she found out!! She read it in a text for him to me... More
my wifeis claiming khula on the grounds of i went into another marriage i am not paying her maintanance or no contact over year but in reality she always cheated on me i have 3boys age 15,13,and11 i always love them when i caught herwith different affairs she put me in trouble always making false accusation and call the police so many time i am clear.. More
on behalf of my muslim brother If I am calling my wife for intercourse daily (because I can't able control my desires), some time she is rejecting my call due to head bath (ghusl). She is feeling that daily/regular head bath will harm her health & some time head bath harms her. So, in this case what shall we do ? Can she accept my call & can.. More
assalaamu alaikum by allah's grace my father has 5 childrens, among them 4 are adult & 1 is 8yr old. But he didn't give aqeeqa for any of them. now he is having money to do the haj. in this case, what should he do ? whether do give the aqeeqah for all the 5 childrens or to do the haj. which one should be do first ?.. More
I found out that my husband chats online with other women and I do not know what to do with him? We have young daughters whom he prevents from watching satellite channels on the pretext that they violate the rulings of Sharee‘ah. I am not negligent towards his needs. Is it permissible for me to monitor him? What should I do? How can I advise him?.. More
Is a woman permitted to register in forums and to reply to and discuss the postings of men with full respect and in a fraternal atmosphere free of foul language, given that the objective of joining these forums is Islamic, like the posting of Islamic articles and beneficial moral stories?.. More