A thirty-year-old woman married a fifty-five-year old widower who has three children from his previous marriage. She stipulated having children and he agreed, but after four years of marriage she did not have any yet. The doctors told her that there is nothing wrong with her, but her husband refuses to be examined, arguing that he already had three.. More
I had a disagreement with my wife and accordingly she went to her family’s place. After a while, I went to her seeking reconciliation; on my way to her I visualized the conversation that might happen between us and I uttered the words of divorce: “You are divorced” inadvertently, does this count as a divorce?.. More
I am an engaged girl and I am very poor; and I do not want my fiancé to find out about my poverty, but I am in dire need of money before marriage. Is it permissible for me to lie to my fiancé and tell him a higher price for the furniture so as to take that extra money for myself?.. More
Is it permissible to marry a previously married woman who claims to be single, with the possibility that she might be honest or not, without investigation based on the rule that the woman is responsible for herself, or is investigation needed in such a case? Does the Islamic ruling differ if the suitor is not certain of her honesty in this regard?.. More
I am a twenty-year-old Muslim girl who loves a young man and he loves me too and wants to marry me. The problem is that he is married and has a child. I want to marry him but I fear that I might ruin his other family, what should I do?.. More
I met a young man and we vowed to marry each other, but my father refused his proposal due to his financial situation; accordingly we took an oath upon the Noble Quran that if we did not get married neither of us would marry another person. Now I wish to marry him for I see in him a righteous husband, but with my father’s consent. What should.. More
A kind and religious young man from a well-known family proposed to marry me, but his brothers are alcoholics and never pray. However, each of his brothers has his separate residence. What is your opinion in this regard? Should I accept his proposal for he possesses all the good qualities that every girl is looking for? .. More
There is a married woman whose marriage lasted only a few months and then disagreement occurred between her and her husband causing her to file for a divorce. At that time, she was acquainted with a young man by chance, who was a friend of her cousin's husband and he offered her marriage claiming that he loved her. Consequently, they talked to each.. More
A woman who has no relatives wants to marry. She has only one married daughter. Is it permissible that her son-in-law assumes the responsibility of her marriage as her matrimonial guardian?.. More
I am female gynecologist and I know that one of the theories upon which the loop functions is that it prevents the fertilized egg from sticking to the wall of the womb. So, is it permissible for me to place it for women in cases where it is needed, knowing that it is one of the least harmful methods of contraception?.. More
A young man proposed to me and I agreed to marry him. He asked me to make him feel as if I was his wife, not his fiancée. So, he ordered me to swear by the Quran that I had accepted the marriage. The following day, he said that he had made his friend and one of his relatives witnesses to this 'marriage'. Later I ended my relationship with him and.. More
A man married a woman and divorced her after consummating the marriage with her and then she married another man. Is it permissible for her former husband to marry her daughter from her second husband?.. More
I have been married for two years and I try to provide for my family as far as possible, spending every penny I earn on them without saving anything. My wife works but does not share any expenses under the pretext that she is not responsible for spending her money on the family. She helped me a little when I lost my job by paying the rent of the.. More