Is a second marriage invalid if: 1.the husband was not providing for the first wife when he took a second wife 2.if he could not afford a second wife 3.if the second marriage destroyed the structure and stability of the first family and first marriage. 4.if after the second marriage he is not being fair; shutting the first wife off for weeks and living.. More
Dear Scholar Assalamalaicum, As my wife (8 months pregnant now) stubborn over nullifying of marriage without any legitimate reason. (she is under pressure of her mother as per my observation & others associated with case even Judge of this case). I apologies for everything i did or not, though she is not agree over reconciliation. The judge told.. More
Asslamualaikum wa RAhmatuLLAHI Wa Barakaatuhu wa Maghfiratuhu! Dear Sir, Am writing this to you, with Full humbleness and loads of pain and lots of Hope! My problem is very unique and strange, mine is a Love Marriage, I cannot bear children (as my uterus is absent since birth, I also knew to some extent that I could not perform sex, which I told.. More
Asalaam alaikum my question is in regards with my wife is it haram for me to stay with my wife until I can find a better wife? the reason why I ask is for awile we have been seprated, due to us not gettin along mostly because she isnt really keen on the deen an me not showin an me not showin interst in her, of course she is a new convert but she lacks.. More
I was young and naïve when I married a man who drinks and does not pray or fast and none of my family was there for me. I endured my misfortune until my children grew up and my husband now prays and fasts but still drinks. Whenever I advise him to stop, he tells me that Allaah The Exalted is All-Forgiving and Merciful. My question is: Would I be.. More
If the fiancée breaks off the engagement, to whom does the engagement gifts (ring and jewelry) belong: to the suitor or the fiancée? What is the evidence in the Noble Quran and the Sunnah that proves that the fiancée should return the engagement ring and jewelry to the suitor if she was the reason for breaking the engagement, considering it.. More
My husband told me, “If some other man had kissed you before marrying me, then you are divorced, divorced, divorced.” Unfortunately, my ex-fiancé kissed me before, so is an oath of divorce on something in the past effective? If yes, is it one divorce; since it was uttered in the same session or is it an irrevocable divorce?.. More
I live in Austria and the woman whom I want to marry lives in Morocco, and both our families agree to our marriage. I will visit them in Morocco next summer, Allaah willing, because I am currently working. Can I carry out the engagement via correspondence until I visit them next summer?.. More
I proposed to a twenty-five-year old girl and she accepted my proposal, but her mother refused because I am married. Although the girl’s father approves of our marriage, he cannot face his wife. Is it permissible for that girl to resort to the judge to marry her off to me? .. More
I proposed to marry a divorced young woman and her condition, that hindered our marriage, was her request that I own a house to safeguard her future. However, I cannot afford to buy a house, and if I could, I would have bought it. What is the Islamic ruling on this issue so as to enlighten our hearts by faith?.. More
The wife of a convicted man, who received a three-year prison sentence, filed for divorce. Her husband told her to finalize the required legal proceedings and bring him the legal documents and he would divorce her. The wife got married to another man, is that marriage valid?
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I have a religious friend who is adherent to her due Hijaab. Her family pushes her to shake hands with one of her in-laws, who is also her cousin. What is even stranger is that they accuse her of being extreme. Are there any verses or Prophetic narrations that affirm and reinforce her stance against her family?.. More
My wife wants to be included in the ownership contract of my house. What is the Islamic ruling on that, given that she works for a monthly salary and she did not contribute in buying or restoring that house?.. More
I am a young man and I am a lecturer in a university in Egypt. What is the Islamic ruling on a female student asking me to engage in a scientific discussion with her, given that this is my duty towards my students, whether males or females? This is my job that I should carry out perfectly and duly, and it is impermissible to withhold knowledge.
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