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5673 fatwas

  • Celebrating ‘Eed with one’s Muslim sister who is married to a non-Muslim

    Assalamu Allaykum, is it permissible for one to celebrate the 3 days Eid-ul-Adha by staying over the residence of one's sister who is a Muslim married to a non believer which is not allowed. What is your advise in keep the relation under these circumstances... More

  • Some questions about the Misyaar marriage

    Please explain in quraan it is clearly mention marry two or three or four if you justice otherwise one is sufficient for you so in Zawaj al-Misyar the lady is not getting equal rights with the normal wife so how can it be legalized ! is it not violation of Allah direction? Please tell me after divorce in Zawaj al-Misyar (Iddat) time period for getting.. More

  • Building separate mosques for women

    As salam wa alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barkathu. As per the Aya of Sura Ahzab (33:33) is it advisable for dai to call women to come to masajid for prayer & listening islamic lectures of scholars? Is it ok to built a seperate masajid for women? Does it have any authentic proof? also we shall like to get scholarly comment on ladies getting togeter.. More

  • Her husband contacts his ex-wife to enquire about his child from her

    Asc, My question is can my husband call his ex wife to know how his son is doing? I have ask this question here already but I also asked three other websites and the scholars, Imams have responded my question telling me that, He can only talk to his ex wife is the child has an emergency. I mean only if she calls him and tells him that there is something.. More

  • His son lives with his mother who got married to another man

    I have son from my first wife who reached the age of 18, he is staying with her mother under my financial support, when his mother got married to another man, i asked him to stay with me otherwise i will stop given him financial support but he refused for the reason that his mother will not allow him to stay with me, now, i stopped supporting him.. More

  • He said to his wife “You are my mother and sister”

    If someone wrathfully tell his wife, "you are my mother and sister" and when saying this no witnesses were there but husband and wife, are they gonna be divorced? If so what should they do? Thank you.. More

  • His wife refuses his request to live with his parents

    Assalamu Alaikum. I am married and we have one son of 9 months now. Mashallah. My wife stay in her house with mom and currently I am in gulf working in company. My wife initially agreed to stay in my place with my mom since my wife need additional care after delivery and he mom was not fit enough to do things. But after I return to gulf from my.. More

  • Her in-laws do not share the expenses of the house

    Salam .. . I am married for a year now. and i am pregnant.we live in the house of my in-laws. with the brother n sister of my husband living in same house.. having their own family too. my husband is the eldest, alhamdulillah his been good to his parents and siblings. my concerned is, my husband spent for food and almost all the expenses in the house... More

  • His daughter wants to take Khul’ from her husband

    ASAWRWB, my daughter married in 2003 and begot 2 son-in-law cheated us though he was already married, he did not work for first 3 years for fear of dowry harrasment case pending against him due to first marriage. we came to know of this since 1 year. he is arrogant and mistreated my daughter, he uses filthy language, he is blackmailing.. More

  • Her husband divorced her because her menses is irregular

    salam i was married to a person who was abroad.i was having irregular period ,and after 1 month i got pregnancy in tube .and dr did my operation.after operation my husband told his mother that i have irregular cycle and we didnt tell them before marriage and they divorced me on this basis.still i was fertile but they didnt waited instead they called.. More

  • Being just between two wives in taking them for Hajj

    Assalamualaikum, I have two wives , i have taken to perform Hajj to my first wife before 17 to 18 years and Now again I want to take my first wife for Hajj , though my second wife wants to come with me to perform Hajj. Please guide me whether I have to first take Second wife for Hajj or I can take my first wife . Thankyou.. More

  • A wife leaving her house to escape her husband’s abuse

    Aslaam o Allaikum Sheikh, let me describe the situation first. One husband is very abusive, he alway torures his wife physically & mentally (beating wife very severly that even sometimes the wife gets bone fractures) and very often he didn't give his wife anything to eat for days. this is the matter from last 15 years. Now the wife has decided.. More

  • A sadistic husband considering his wife as a slave

    Assalammualaikum, bdsm is a foreplay where a couple (husband and wife) enjoying private time together by tie up his/her couple and spank etc. The question is, is it permissible in Islam? if a man praticing this kind of fetishism, and likening his wife as slave, isn't that considered as dzihar?.. More

  • He does not remember divorcing his wife when he was drunk

    My wife and I recently had an heated discussion in which I ws intoxicated and angry, she claims I divorced her but I have no reconlation of say it nor was there any witness to her claim. With that being said is her divorce claim valid... More

  • Doubt about divorce does not invalidate the bond of marriage

    salam my question is that at one time i was having doubts if my marraige was valid because of something i said, but i continued to have intercourse and i had a child with my wife. what i said did not invalidate my marraige but at the time i was having alot of doubts. am i sinful for continuing to have intercourse with my wife before clearing up these.. More