Assalam alaikum. Can a muslim man enjoy normal relationship with his adult, non muslim illicit kids.Can he introduce those illicit children as his own son and daughter. Can he take them to different places and have fun with them saying it is his duty as a father and can The man say that he is cementing his ties with the children so that he can present.. More
I married for 1 year then one divorced because he wants me to share expenses half half then before eddat finnish we agee iwill share the painment we stayed three months now my husband wants to marry his first wife,the first wife she had gone to islamic court to claim for divorce and outside husband willing court gave divorce and after she married another.. More
aslamu alyikum, my situation is i hav been married to a new convert woman for over a year,unfortunatly we had a child before marrage, he is now 6, i am 25, and she is 28, alhumdillah since two ramadans ago i have been more keen on the deen, and seeking knowledge may Allah forgive me and let me die a shaheed. so after marriage we moved in together.. More
I've been marred for some years & I hav been having problems with my husband,there is 1 of my freind at work whom we are so close with &i do share my marital problems with him,unfurtunatly he use that avenue &raped me &it continued that that am divorce &repent i still can't take him out of my mind is it lawful 4 me 2 marry.. More
Is it a sin if a woman takes birth control shorts before she gets married without informing her fiancé who may want to have a child soon after marriage .. More
assalamoualaikum brother please i have let my wife go to stay at her sister place because of some discussion so people told her that its better to have a break and then you can see what happen so this has gone for 3 years without any changes but i have not giving her talaak. but after that i saw that this will not change and give her one talaak and.. More
i am experiencing problems in my married life. my marriage was an arrange marriage n my husband too agreed at that time. now he treats me badly at many places. i am an educated lady, i do job n give my whole salary to him but i want to earn respect in response too. he has a lot of illusions about my character, though i belong to an educated and noble.. More
ASA, i m asking the question on some one else behalf, first i will tel u the back ground of happening and then few questions... A man living abroad came into Pakistan and got married to a girl with his fake name i mean he did not tell her actual name. secondly he was aalready married but did not informe her new wife about his first marraige. thirdly.. More
How long couple can live away/apart during resentment or quarrel? and at which age of kid, father can take his baby from wife? As my case is for separation filed by wife is under trial in Local Islamic court, since we made several efforts but my wife is not agree over reconciliation. Please supplicate for us... More
Salam Alykoum and thank you for the great work you guys do at this web site. Al Hamdulliah I am married and Al Hamdulliah I pray all prayers on time. Since I am ignorant with some of figh matter I have a question. In the past my wife and I, whenever we have an argument we used prfound language because of ignorance. For example if she or I complain.. More
selam allekum, dear brother i am seeking guidance. i have been married for 22years and have 2 children. i just found out that my husband who is a hajii had an affair that lasted 1 year. i caught him and he confessed. my problem is that i cant trust him anymore. i feel so hurt and betrayed. i cry everyday.i know the islamic way is to forgive and.. More
bismillah assalaamu alaikum warahmatuhlahi wabarakatuh! i feel like im being raped when my husband sleeps with me especially after an orgasm. this feeling severely harms me. i have no formal education, live unlawfully in a foreign country and face arrest in my country for unpaid child support. my husband has not managed my affairs that he has control.. More
My 1st wife similar to my age 46 years old, having 3-sons and 1-daughter.eldest son is 26 years old and remaining 3-child were 2 years junior than each other consiqutively.My first wife is at the menopausal stage .I married second time without knowing my first wife and children as well .When they came know after 4 months that I got married then.. More
Assalamu Alaikum I really appreciated your time with me Am A Muslim and i used have a non muslim girlfriend from different county i know its a sin to have girlfriend we were in relationship more that 6 month now we break up because she cheated me in many type. During our relationship i talk about islam because i want her to convert and she like.. More
After 21 years of marriage we have had major problems for the last 4 years. Basically I have discovered some reasons for our marriage taking place originally which are not nice, I am pretty sure people arranging the marriage thought about personal gain when it comes to overseas marriages etc and not thought too much about me, she has basically said.. More