Dear Assalamalaicum, My wife filed a case for dissolution of marriage (Faske Nikah) in local Islamic court without Islamic legitimate reason. Qazi of that court has also cleared to her that is no legitimate reason of dissolution of marriage. Under pressure of her mother, she does not want to reconcile, she was ready to accept court verdict. Now, she.. More
Is there a Hadeeth of the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, that urges Muslims to hold banquets on certain occasions such as marriage, circumcision, and the like?.. More
Salam alaikum. Allah bless you. I need advice on a matter. I and my husband has been married for 3 years. For 7 months ago, he traveled to another country to renew hus passport. His parents and mine were against our marriage. A week ago, my aunt called to my father and said that my husband taken second wife. My father was furious (my parents are Muslims.. More
AOA, My sister has been married for 1.5 years and has a daughter now. Her husband is causing problems for her saying that she has polio, hearing problems and also that she is older than him (3months). He has been extremely good previously and has changed just recently. He has said that our mother should ask for forgiveness from his mother for cheating.. More question is i have an elder brother whom we have same father bt different mothhis mother died when he was young and my father married another lady who is my mum...but before my father married the first wife she already had a my brother has another his sister a mahram to me? since we dont share a mother and father.. More
1- Is it permissible for a Muslim man to marry a Christian woman?
2- If so, does she have to become a Muslim after marriage?
3- If my wife wants to become a Muslim, how can she do this?
4- Do you have any religious books in English?
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I heard some of my friends who intend to marry for the second time soon saying that if one wants to be rich, he should marry. Is this true? Are these words considered a Hadeeth, a tradition or a saying?.. More
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh, may Allaah increase HIS goodness upon you, please what is the ruling on Radaa'ah (giving a child to a wetnurse)? is it a sanctioned sunnaah or it is just an arab culture adopted by Islam (such as that of the turban and others)? jazakumullaahu khayran.. More
assalamu alaikum wa rahmathullahi wa barakathuhu, i am doing second year bachelor of islamic studies alhamdulillah i have very good madani teachers and its through this studies allah gave me guidance so, i never want to leave this college but.. i have to go to college through a publis transport bus in that bus i have totally mingle with gants and totally.. More
Assalamu Alleikum, I recently discovered that my husband is having a years long relationship with a married woman, formerly his fiancee thru intenet video call, phone call, and I also discover the reason why for more than 7 years he's never treating me like human, inspite the fact that I am a sole provider of our family. I have caught their messages.. More
Hello first I want to thank you for all the good your doing I’m an older man. And I work at a place the doesn’t awlow you to marry a coworker I met a female Christian and stared teaching her about Islam she was abused a lot as a child and is very insecure in her self she is eager to learn about Islam and believes every thing she reads we did.. More
Assammualaikum Dear sir , my husband has 1st wife & 4 childrens and i am the second second wife & our marriage is arrange marrige I am MBA degree holder and I have 1 son. . Sir, my husband always tell his 1st wife that, he did the 2nd marriage only to look after his work and business , he always bring home his 1st wifes relative and he tell.. More
Assalaamu alaikum Shaykh', One of my muslim friend wants to marry a christian girl with whom he has cohibited.He is the only one who has cohibited with her. He has realised his mistakes and is repenting. In the Quran its permitted to marry chaste women from the people of the book. Please correct me ya Shaykh.Is he allowed to marry her?
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Assalaamu Alaikum My mother has been married to my father for 20 years and during these years, my father hardly took up a job. He wants to do business and had tried so many times and has failed for some reason. My mother has brought me and my younger brother up. My father never took responsibility of finances or education of his family upon himself... More