if a man promises to his wife tht ,, if i hav any connection with girls by a txt message, call, chat, or by any means in future, then v both r divorced if i break ths promise. and then he contniues doing that act(talking n chatting wd girls) does the divorce is occured between thm? and what should they do now?.. More
Assalam O Alikum, i have question regarding my 14months old son custody.im sunni syed, I got married 2 years back and got news about my son in first month on which my x-husband said me to abort the child several times due to some clashes but i refused to do this, after that i gave birth to my son but my husband didn’t look after him and i was at.. More
I am educated and beleive from my childhood that talaq is effected when someone says 3times in one session, what i did i divorce twice to threat her 14 years before and in our last quarrel one weak before I divorce her one time just to keep in my mind that i dont said 3 times in one session, guide me please... More
My question is I was raped in side my house I was too scared to tell my husband .The offender blackmailed and threatened to harm my family if I don’t do as he says. He introduced me to his wife and his kids we were good friends we spent a lot time together .My husband tried to stop this but I can with many excuses hoping allah will make a miracle.. More
Assalamualaikum...I am married for the past 10 months...alhumdulillah my husband so far is co operative...i used to work as a teacher but now tat i m 8 months pregnant,he has asked me to take leave.i m in my mom s place till the delivery cuz my mom in law said the first baby delivery charges shd be borne by my dad..ens to whatever she says...she wanted.. More
asslam o alikum i am married and i took khula from my husband i was not agreed to take it nor he has such wish. my family forced him to give khula. my uncle write that paper and forced him to sign it. now he says i did not left you and i also wants to go back to my husband he didnot spoke those words to me which i dont like to even write he was weeping.. More
dear brother the situation of the family has become very complicated, it is difficult to take a decision regarding how the property should be distributed. however to make the problem easy let me put it in a few questions: the property is still not divided, it has to go to five children. two sons and three daughters. 1. one brother died by accident.. More
Hi, I have a query that I wonder if you can help me with. My brother had a nikah in 2009 and the marriage was not registered. A year later his wife returned back to her parents house taking all her belongings with her including all the wedding jewellery given to her, prior to this she had told my brother that she had taken the jewellery to a safe.. More
I have asked to my wife that if u will attend the marriage of her cousion than it will be deviroce from mine side and i have written it through SMS but my wife didnot read the sms or she is saying that sms has not been received to him we both live in different cities.My wife visited the home of his cousion without informning me that i will be angry.. More
Previously my daughter and son joined a Islamic school who informed that there were CBSC board and later found they were not. So we put them into another school. I don’t know I have done right. It has been few months that my daughter has started having symptom of epileptic seizure. She was a very bright student in class and school. Should I put.. More
Assalamualikum, i have a question, i hope you will forgive its nature, i need help. I live with my husband, our 4 children and his 2 brothers. it has been hell living with the 2 b.il because i could never dress nicely and always my head i knew its haram to be in presence of brother in law alone, even thou i looked at him like brother and he as well.. More
My ex husband has uttered the words "I divorce you" twice before in English and finally he had divorced me on paper with two talqas and with witnesses...I am sure he said in Arabic during that time. I am confused about whether "I divorce you" has to be said in Arabic and how many talaaqs do I have with him so far? We need time apart but I'm not sure.. More
Salam Alaikum! Is it permissable to propose to an already engaged/ proposed christian woman? I know that its not permissable to propose a beleiving woman who has already been proposed. But what in case of a christian woman? JazakAllah Khairan!.. More
I am person who got married recently. I love my wife very much as is the case for my wife as well. Both of us used to talk and reveal about each others past. My wife told me that she had a non-muslim male colleague at her teaching institution whom she treated like her own brother. she requested me to grant her permission to talk with him on phone.. More
One time I had a beard and then I shaved it off I joked to a freind that I shaved it off because my wife said she would kick me out of the house if I didn't shave it off( this was just a joke and she didn't say this) did this joke have any affect on the validity of my marraige.. More