I am a married woman, and my husband is a righteous and religious man and we share mutual love and respect. However, the problem is that my husband suffers from some sort of obsessions; he imagines uttering the words of divorce, but he does not seek or intend to divorce me. Is the divorce in this case effective and does he have to take me back as.. More
We would like to know the reasons behind forbidding marrying one’s maternal aunt from the psychological, ethical, and social points of view. I already know that there are decisive Islamic texts forbidding it. .. More
Is it permissible for me to accompany my sister’s groom to the women's wedding party and then leave immediately, given that it is a women-only party that does not include intermixing between the two sexes at all? I, along with my brothers, will just walk the groom to my sister then leave. Is this permissible?.. More
What is the Hadeeth (narration) that states that a wife should fully obey her husband, of course in what Allaah The Almighty permits as in the Qur’an and the Sunnah (Prophetic tradition)? .. More
I have not taken an oath to divorce my wife if she does a particular thing, but when my mother complained to me about something that my wife had done, I told her that she would never do it again. When she asked me about the guarantee I said to her, "I have taken an oath to divorce her if she does that again." But I did not say so to my wife. I said.. More
I have a disease that affects the liver that is transmitted through blood, sex or childbirth. I caught it due to lack of antisepsis at birth. This disease usually appears between forty and sixty years of age, and once it appears, the affected person dies some days later. As yet, no remedy has been found but there is a vaccine against it. At present,.. More
One of my relatives was forced to marry her paternal cousin four months ago, but as a husband, he did not respect her or her family. From the first days of marriage, he humiliated her in different ways, beat her and told her not to visit her family and relatives. He did not behave but in accordance with the opinion of his mother. The point is that.. More
A person got engaged to a girl and the engagement was made public and she put on the engagement ring, but the wedding contract has not yet been concluded because the girl is too young.
Is it permissible for him to sit with her?.. More
Asalaamalaykum. I want to marry an arab man who is separated from his wife. He has been separated from her and living apart for several months. He is still sorting out the divorce via the courts as it is a long proceedure due to him having a child. This makes everything very difficult. He was married to a non practising Christian woman. I have.. More
A man married a second wife and consummated the marriage with her on the condition that he would divorce the first wife. After the consummation of the marriage, the first wife refused the divorce. Is it due on him to fulfill the condition stipulated for the second wife by divorcing the first even though she refuses to get divorced? It is noteworthy.. More
ASalam ali qum...i got nikah with my husband and we lived toghter for 5 years.we have one daughter....it was 2 years we started hating and arguing with each other he has said dalaaq lots of times and swore at me...then acts like nothing happen but then says he wants me out of his life wishes i was dead etc etc doesnt care if i ran away and leave him.i.. More