Peace be upon you.
My husband has traveled abroad to study and I could not accompany him because of certain circumstances. I am staying alone in my house and do not want to go to the house of my family or the family of my husband. I prefer to stay in my own home and I want to know if it is permissible for me stay alone in my house?
May Allaah reward.. More
As-Salaamu ‘alaykum wa rahmatullaah
A young man from within my family proposed to me. Although he prays and fasts, i.e. performs the essentials of religion, he smokes cigarettes and listens to songs. However, I have sought the guidance of Allaah through Istikhaarah (guidance-seeking prayer), but I am still confused: on the one hand, I feel I cannot.. More
There is no doubt that marrying an older woman is not prohibited or disliked under Sharee‘ah (Islamic law). It is even easy for me to marry a woman who is older than me, but I am doubtful about the success of this marriage and its future. .. More
I would like to marry a widow who has children, and I have a sincere intention to look after them, for they live in a society which does not abide by religious teachings, and I fear they might incur loss and be given to deviance. Indeed, there are a lot of widows who have no one to take care of them. Would I receive a reward if I do so? Does this.. More
As-salaamu ‘alaykum
I have met a girl, who is a friend of my sister’s. She is a religious and beautiful woman; and when I asked my sister about her she told me that she was married previously and has a child from her previous husband from whom she was divorced because he fell into many disputes with her family. When I proposed to marry her, her.. More
Is it permissible for the guardian who gives his sister in marriage to make a condition on his sister's fiancé to tell his mother or family before his marriage to her? The bridegroom is married and has children, but he is financially capable, religious and with good manners. The bride is thirty-six years old, and has no guardian other than her half.. More
As-salaamu ‘alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh.
What is the Sharee‘ah (Islamic law) ruling on marrying a woman who imitates men by wearing trousers or any other such thing?.. More
What is the ruling if a revocably-divorced woman marries without knowing that her husband has taken her back?
Is her second marriage valid? Does the first husband have the right to restore her?
May Allaah reward you... More
asalam alaikum i am a new muslim recently married. My marriage is troubled with arguments,violence towards me,bad language n self harm on my part. I suffer with health issues dat effects my day to day life with having pain nearly everyday on top of all of that i suffer with very low self esteem n depression. Me n my husband have seperatd due to our.. More
A married man is in love with his brother’s wife and has physical relations with her, but without having sexual intercourse.
What is the ruling of Islam on this issue, knowing that we live in a country that does not adopt Sharee‘ah (Islamic law)? What is the ruling if this happened in a Muslim state that applies the Sharee‘ah law? Is this considered.. More
A man lives in a non-Islamic country that does not recognize the Sharee‘ah (Islamic law) and does not allow polygyny, namely, one cannot marry more than one woman at the same time. However, this man wants to marry another woman without divorcing his first wife. Is it permissible for this man to divorce his wife officially, but not in reality, because.. More
Peace be upon you.
Does the third divorce take effect if a husband takes an oath by triple divorce that he will do something and then does not do it out of forgetfulness?
I want to know whether divorce has been effected in such a case? Is there any difference if this happened before or after the conclusion of the marriage contract, knowing that.. More
Is it permissible for a Sufi man who observes prayer and fasts and pays the Zakaah (obligatory charity), to be a Wali (marriage guardian), knowing that he has a deviant belief in Al-Husayn and Zaynab, may Allaah be pleased with them, as well as other dead people? If not, what should we do now as the marriage contract has been concluded? Should we.. More
I am a religious man and I want to marry a girl who lives in a neighboring village. However, the people of this village only marry their daughters to their cousins. Otherwise, marriage is considered a shame on the part of the girl’s father and brothers. Despite my good intention to marry that girl, one of her brothers threatened me. Strangely, the.. More