Assalamuralaikum, i am ready confused at the moment. i badly need an answer as so scared. i am a 24 year old women marrie t a 29 year old mand. we got married two years ago. last years. i was pregnant. unfortuenately my baby was not normal. we have been trying alots of test to see if he can be treated, but he died in my tommy at 7 month. it was.. More
I was married in the year 1996 and my husband was working in america and went to work after 4 months of our marriage. When our daughter was born he came to see her.Because of his mother he pushed me and my daughter out of his home. In the year of 2002, I went to court to ask for khula because there were no where abouts of my husband or his family... More
Kindly help me out.i was married last year,due to some misunderstanding 8 months after marriage i forced him for khula.But within 2 weeks after khula he returned back to me and said that he never accepted khula by his heart and it was only my parents pushing him for it which made him to accept that time and he still considers me his wife.We started.. More
Asalam Alaikum, I bare witness to Allah that all information mentioned here is correct. My knowledge of Talaq was as such that I have to pronounce Talaq Talaq Talaq for Talaq to become effective. Having said that, my knowledge was as such by pronouncing Talaq once does not make it happen. I was also under the impression that the wife has to hear me.. More
Please!! I beg your help and advice on my issues Asalaaam Alaykum wa rahmatullah taala wa barakatuh. I had divorced my wife in the time of purity which we had physical marital relationship / had sexual intercourse. And after few weeks she travelled going to her home country and before travelling she asked me to write her a paper to confirm her divorce,.. More
Assalam-o-Alekum my husband divorced me 2 times cosectively 12 yers ago and than rujo me, after 12 year in diffrent situations husband told me to leave the home and get lost from my life i don`t want to live with u and use words like these and an year ago in a serious fight husband told me to get out from my home n he gave me my gold n told me that.. More
Salam, my friend commited zihar by refering to his wife as his mothers back.He want to get her back by perfoming kafarah,however he sees it difficult to fast two consegative months and instead want to feed sixty poor people because he has the this allowed since he is capable of fasting since he is still young and energetic. Kindly help... More
I married 10 years before and in anger, while fighting, I gave three divorces to my wife on different occasions. Last and third divorce was given 5 years before and the we separated. We have a kid also. Now I came to Saudi Arabia for work and I got knew that Mufti in Pakistan, I asked fatwa from, did not tell me that my third divorce was not valid.. More
My wife insisted on divorce in the presence of her family and I refused, but she threatened to take it to the court and she asked her family to be witness to that. She did not mention any reason for demanding a divorce, and what rather provoked me more was that none of her family interfered. Whereupon, I told her, “I grant you the right to divorce,.. More
When an adult man commits Zina (adultery or fornication) with an adult woman, does adultery render some of her relatives unlawful for him to marry? .. More
What is the virtue of a husband over his wife that the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, almost commanded the wife to make prostration before her husband?.. More
Is it permissible for me to take birth control pills to avoid pregnancy or use condoms for a specific period so as to prevent pregnancy? Are there any other contraceptives to postpone pregnancy?.. More