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5673 fatwas

  • Divorce, Khul‘ or resorting to Court

    My problem, in short, is that I have been married since 1993 and I have one daughter, and from the beginning of our marriage, the problems between my husband and I were endless. The marriage lacked tranquility and peace of mind. Consequently, it became impossible for us to live with each other. For about five years now, there has been a separation.. More

  • Providing for husband does not affect validity of marriage

    My husband has been unemployed for more than 20 years now. Allaah The Almighty favored me with work and a good income, with which I have supported my family and husband. Praise is due to Allaah, I have willingly given my husband the freedom to dispose of the money, pay Zakaah (obligatory charity), save and spend, so that he would not feel humiliated... More

  • Making many things conditions for divorce

    I am a married woman living in Sudan and my husband lives in Saudi Arabia. He swore that if I did certain things which he dislikes, and he listed them for me, I would be divorced. I promised him not to do these things in order not to let the divorce come into effect. However, over the course of time, I did these things many times. What is the Sharee‘ah.. More

  • Marrying a girl born out of wedlock or obeying parents

    Is it permissible to marry a girl born out of wedlock? If my parents do not agree to this marriage, what should I do? I would like to clarify that this girl has good morals and manners and is well brought up and I like her. What should I do?.. More

  • A woman can live alone without a Mahram

    Assalamu Alaikum Sheikh, I have a question. My question is 1) I have a sister who is married and has three daughters. who are 8, 14 and 19 years old. And her husband is living abroad for work. My father lives with my sister because my mother has passed away. My sister has only my father as a mahram. One of her brother that is my brother too is living.. More

  • She was deceived into entering an invalid marriage

    Assalam Allykum. Please clarify, if 1.Nikah was performed in secret without presence or consent of Wali 2.Boy is not kafu for Girl in Educational, social, economic and cultural aspects. 3.Boy undertook this act with false promise and fake assurance that he has a job and will soon send the formal marriage proposal. 4.Marriage was kept secret for more.. More

  • Wants to marry the man with whom she committed Zina during her waiting period

    salam, i was married while i was seeing another man but the process committed zina,then eventually i was divorced. during the iddah period,committed zina again but now the man that committed zina with him during iddah wants to marry me. please imam, i regret so much what i have done. please advice me on what to do, to restart my life properly... More

  • He lives with his wife after divorcing her thrice in one go

    AOA,, Dear brother i have gone through all of the fatwas but could not get my answers. 1.... What if a couple been having sexual contact before nikah and on nikah day they offered NAWAFIL and repent for all the sins they had done not specifically sexual contact.Nikah took place in front of both of families. 2.... After the Nikah there was misunderstanding.. More

  • Informed her husband about a relation she had before embracing Islam

    AsSalamu alaikum,my Question ist urgent. I`m a convert muslima,alhamdulilah practicing. i am europian and my husband is from Saudi. I left my country for Allah and now I live with him in Saudi.when i met my husband i told him i had a relation in my jaahiliya.he accepted.When he asked me about my jahilya i lied.I didnt tell him the shaikh.. More

  • The customary meaning of the words of divorce

    Assalamuaaikum i just want to ask a question regarding my marraige I asked you and then i asked another imam on darulihsan website which was "Asalamualikum on one occasion i said to my wife main ap ko hamesha kiliye chor raha hoo ( i am leaving you forever ) but i did not have the intention of dvorcing instead i was stupidly immitating or play acting.. More

  • You do not have to tell your fiancé about this matter

    respectable shuyookh, aoa, im taking a medicine for acne treatment that requires me to take contarceptive one year post treatmen since the medication will harm the baby if i get pregnant.i will be getting married in a few months inshaALLAH but i will still have to take contarceptives for a few months. is it mandatory to tell my fiance about this?.. More

  • Wants to bridge the gap between his children and his step-son

    Assalamu Alaykum, Please can you guide me. I have searched your website as best as I could, but could not find what I was looking for. I have a step-son aged 7 and a biological son that is almost 2, and another baby on the way all from the same mother. My step-son aged 7 does not see his father, does not receive any maintenance from him, has no contact.. More

  • Her father forced her husband to write her divorce

    ASA Hope my e-mail finds you in best of everything by grace of Allah Pak. I am very upset regarding my problem and want you to help me. I was in nikkah with someone and the rukhsati had not taken place. Due to some reasons my parents refused to do my rukhsati and asked me to take divorce from my husband who lives in Karachi. I was told false stories.. More

  • A woman getting her clothes stitches by a male tailor

    Assalamualaikum is it allowed to get female clothes stiched from Male Tailors? Regards.. More

  • Her brother-in-law behaved to her in a suspicious manner

    salam aleikum sheikh. i have one big problem that i need your advice with. in summer i was living for 3 weeks with my husbands family, mom dad little sister and older brother..his older brotherlook very practising.. he have barb and sunnah clothes but i have discover that he is so far from islam. this man have make me in very bad situation more.. More