salam aleikum. i have one big problem. i have been married with my husband for almost one and half year and we have one son who is 4 months. one year before my husband have married me he was married to another woman for 3 months then he divorced her. one day after i have married my husband he started to talk very much about this woman, about their life.. More
Salamualaikum, I have a deep concern about trust in my marriage, My husband keeps his cell phone locked leading me to feel suspicious of him. I practice islam and encourage him to as well. I shared my feelings with him about it and he ignores my request to keep his phone unlocked after he told me he would not do this. He asked me to get clarity from.. More
Assalamu Alaikum
My husband had some saving in our account. He told me to use some of it for a business. I ended up using more then what he told me for the business and our needs.
Most of the money is invested in the business now which is a family business.
My husband is still very upset and does not want to forgive me. I know that what I did.. More
I was married 22 years as a Christian to another Christian when I met a Muslim man on the internet.He convinced me that Islam was the correct path to follow and I truly believe this and reverted to Islam.This man then told me that I could not remain married to a Christian and must divorce,so I did seek a divorce from him.Then this Muslim man asked me.. More
How can i put my thoughts away from a man whom i have loved so dearly for nothing but my exposure. I do hold on tight to the rope of Allah but times comes when i'm totally ditched out. And then there's no saviour. I read Quran so much to avoid such thoughts. But once in a week, i do get it and then there's no stopping. I'm all the same before i stopeed
What.. More
I have got two wives. When i got married to my second wife ,everyone became angry with me and they started opposing me,and i was left all alone . My parents started asking me to divorce my second wife. I loved her so much so i denied to divorce her. My first wife went to my second wife and insulted her infront of many people and tried to beat her up.. More
Dear scholars I am planning to get married by year end InshaAllah. I have a question regarding the wedding
feast and ceremony. I live in Kashmir. Here we have a tradition of inviting lots of guests to the feast and quintals
of mutton, chicken and vegetables etc, are served to the guests and I must admid most of it goes waste. I myself.. More
i got my answer in fatwa #132405 my next question is first of all she had a court marriege(previous marriege) without concent of her father or guardian.
2nd if she had intercourse with her ex husband then what should i do my nikkah is halal or she has to complete iddah if yes where she can complete her iddah at my house or at her parents house cause.. More
Dear sir as my friend was married and then he married an other girl and did not tell to his wife and parents unfortunately his second wife is sister of his first wife now he is confuse can he keep both wives or will have to divorce one of them if he has to divorce one of them then he should give to his first wife or second, please reply of this question.. More
assalamalaikum, I have conducted a gunnah by indulging in sex with a guy i use to chat. more than realization of the gunnah am feeling bad because guy is avoiding me he feels he is embarrassed to face me. i am feeling bad but than also i am feeling ashamed as too what has happened. i really want to ask forgiveness and not repeat what has happened and.. More
ASSALAM-O-ALAIKUM Respected Mufti Sahab!
I have a very serious problem to discuss with you.My husband divorced me thrice (verbally) in one sitting just 4 months back.I am a working lady.I am very ashamed that I did not follow the rules of iddah strictly as prescribed by the Shariah. Though I did not indulge in any immoral and bad activity nor I contracted.. More
My name is ZARTASHIA HUSSAIN.I am 30 years old.Recently i have come to know from one of the islamic websites that ZARTASHT was jamat of mushrikeen.As my name resembles a lot with the word ZARTASHT,though not exact the same but seems very close to it,so i am much worried about my present name.Is it crrect islamically or not?Should.. More
Aoa, i am a 20 yr old female dental student and sometimes the male teachers hold our hands to control our shaking in the pateint's mouth while giving anesthesia and to teach us the exact direction n pressure v need to apply. Apart from dat the male teachers also hold our hand to make us do palpation of the patient properly.wat is the ruling for this?.. More
Bismillah AlRehman AlRahim
My wife keeps inciting me by saying that she will take another person in her life to take revenge from me if i go back to my 1st wife. I know that she doesnt mean it. But she may do it because when she gets angry she doesnt care what will be the consequences of what she may do. Due to this i have raised my hands on several.. More
Asslam o Alikum i just want to know that what islam says about forgiveness . actually i have committed a mistake. because of that my feonci becomes angry / annoyed with me. i have requeated him many tima pl. for god sake forgive me but he is not accecpting . kindly show me right path .i m much upset and accused to die. waht i ca do kaindle replu me.. More