My husband is not authorized to give me divorces that he wrote in the Nikkah naama .He give me authorrization for Divorce.but now he is giving me irreversible divorce I want ot know te answer what Islam said about that .. More
Es salaamu aleikum. I had a question to ask because I myself am not sure and upon researching I have come across many different anserws. I am here asking if a woman is divorced one time, while she is pregnant, is she completly divorces feom her husband if he does not take her back? The reason for this question is I am currently remarried to a man who.. More
Assalam-o-Alaikum Mufti Sahib : I am suffering from a severe problem. My nikah was solemnized a year before but this marriage was not consummated. My husband went to Canada after one hour of our Nikah. We never met alone and this marriage was not consummated. Due to some problems which raised and could not be settled down. In October my husband said.. More
i got married a girl after 4th day of marrig my wife said tht she had nikkah(court marriege) before but her ex husband has given her divorce on SMS and verbaly on phone for 1 time before 1 month of our nikah but she did not went to her ex husbnd house (no rukhsati) her ex husband also knows that she is getting married to someone but he did not bother.. More
Dear Sir I'am Muslim married to a French (European). Before marriage he was catholic,but he converted to Islam in order to marry me.I knew that he has converted to Islam just to marry me not because he is convinced.We have been living together for 3 years now (no kids).From time to time I talk to him about Islam trying to convince him and get him to.. More
Assalam Walaikum iam very much depressed from the current situation in my life,i got engaged to this guy name Wasif 2 years before we know each other since school days he was my friend then he proposed me for love i accepted it,he was a huge flirt he was having many girlfriends still i dragged him out that girlfriends and bought him to myself ,we got.. More
Dear Sir,Please clarify the following as per our and Islamic point of view,. i got married in 1991. we remained together for 13 years but after wards my wife left me because of mutual disputes and went to her parents house living there separately for next 7 years. we have a 14 years old daughter who was also left with me when she(wife) left me. i tried.. More
i m 19 of age. a hindu girl was my freind in my school 3 years ago.(may allah forgive me) She then migrated to other city and me to other(600 km apart)but still remained in contact on nov 2008 allah blessed her with islam. she still remained in my contact and i went to her city to give her some books. but i met her alone and even touched.. More
assalmu 3alaikum wara7matullahe wa barakatuhu
i have recently been asked to consider a muslim man for marriage. This person is known to have a good character but my problem is that he works as a bank manager in the uk, managing non islamic banks. My limited knowledge is that his source of income is not halal and hence i should not even consider him.. More
Assalamu alaikum I m asking this question for a sister who is 53 years old, she just had divorce with her husband but now the confusion is that, in the paper there were some mistakes in details for example, they wrote that she has no children while she has 6 children, one of the witness said that he know the man for 3 years while he even does not know.. More
A Muslim guy proposed to me. My mother agrees to the proposal as the guy is religious and have equal standing with me. We are both lawyers. He is religious and comes from a good Muslim family.
My father is already deceased. The relatives of my father are neutral on the subject.They said it is up to me and my mother and my wali.
My mother's.. More
salam. i need help with one thing. My husband was not home. my friend send sms to me that she wanted to come to me the next day. she asked me if my husband would be out then or when he comes home, like this she go home before. i send back that you can come when you want because he always comes late. i send this sms to both my husband and friend. my.. More
assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakat..
call me shaikh... i am married for 2 years, we got married without my parents consent because my father still don't want me to marry,and he likes my cousin to be my husband. but i refused and i accept the proposal of my husband to have a secret married.. Alhamdulillah my husband is such a a good man and a.. More
Assalam wa alykum is the grand father's step brother counted as mahram? should a women cover herself completely in front of him? jazakallahukhair.. More