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5673 fatwas

  • Wants to propose marriage to a girl whose guardian is not around

    AsalamoAlikum I request brothers to answer me on this and not refer me to answer to similar questions. There happens to be a female who is known to my family for years .She spent her life with people who adopted her and they have no other child. Recently my mother told me that she is non mahram to my distant uncle who adopted her. This uncle of mine.. More

  • Her husband dislikes her family and blames her for their mistakes

    My husband is a Muslim but dont pray regularly..only by being told by me..& persuade by me...he is responsible husband,father...but he dislike almost all my family..we always quarrel even with a simple things...he always think of the future that sometimes forgetting the present.In everything that he found fault in my family its always me who pay the.. More

  • The second and third divorces do not take place by long separation

    salam,if husband gives one divorce with wording(i give u divorce(talaq)..afterthat,they separated for 3 to 4 months,they did not make any relation in between this period,,will remainder 2 divorce(talaq) will be done automatically?r they nah mahram for each other?tell me in detail?if wife goes to court and get remainder 2 divorce,will they valid or not.. More

  • Jealousy between co-wives is not Shirk

    Assalamu Alaykom, May Allah reward you & us jannah al ferdaws. I know that jealousy between the spouses is something normal but for the benefits of others pls explain to me if it is SHIRK because a husband forbade his other wife for getting jealous because he said it is shirk. is it so?.. More

  • His mother asks him to accompany his female cousins to and from public places

    AsalamoAlikum Kindly Help me on the following situation. quite some times my female cousins come to our home. Majority of females in my famliy and among my cousins do not do proper Hijab and neither do they take care of mixing. My mother asks me to take her, my sisters , and cousins to shopping malls or some other public place. Is it allowed for me.. More

  • Discussing a Fatwa allowing the wife to take the surname of her husband

    Aslam O Alaikum, I am confused. I read a Fatwa that it is not permissible for women to use his husband name after marriage as her last name. But came across this link and now i am confused. Please help me and guide me with this issue... More

  • How to answer children's sensitive questions about the human body

    Assalaamu alaikum, I have children, and I know that one day they will ask me where do babies come to or what are the names of thier private parts, I know they might be any age when they ask these questions, and in my own humble opinion, I always believe that it is best to be truthful and give them the exact names of the anatomy, I don't like making.. More

  • Do not marry him until he becomes a true Muslim and repents from Zina

    Assalam alaikum... All Praise goes to allah... Am writin this with full heart of sorrows:( i dont know whether allah will forgive me or not for my sin. Kindly help me out to come out from this hell . I fell in love with a non-muslim guy who is really very humble,kind and good in character. Moreoever he accepted the muslim principles, doing namaz.. More

  • Her husband threatens to kill her if she refuses his marriage to a second wife

    I have recently came meet a family who are having problem with their son-in-law. They been married for about 3 years, the family of the girl been supporting them for their rent and etc in a monthly basis. However their problem start it after their son-in-law told them that he wants to get a second wife (he told his wife that he had sex with anther girl.. More

  • His wife severely criticizes the scholars who do not adopt her methodology

    AA I got married about 3 months before. But after few days of marriage conflict started. She belongs to a group named as Salafi (I don't think they are real salafis as they consider anyone who slightly differ from them as deviant or innovator). The problem is that she is very much interested in refutations and abandonment of people on account of their.. More

  • Her husband forced her to write Khul'

    If a husband force his wife to write khula on a plain paper and signed it along with her passport photo, but his wife dosen't want to separate from him, but he don't want her & don't want to give talaaq, but wishes that his wife should give khula & go,but she disagree with it ,so he brought such circumstance in front of her that she has to.. More

  • Tracing a baby back to his/her grandfather from the side of his/her mother

    i am pregnent, my husband and i have talked about naming the baby, my question is do we have to use the format ex: "Aminah bint Sa'eed Milton"? his name is Sa'eed Twymon-Milton. Twymon is his mothers last name and Milton is his fathers. he wants to use his mothers last name Twymon, but i disagree, because i told him he was supposed to get his fathers.. More

  • His name is Shamsur Rahmaan

    Hi there, I have been approached by many brothers who are saying that i must change my name and it is obligatory to do so. Since my name is Shamsu Rahman and it can be attributed to only one part of the creation does Islam require me to change my name as it will cause various problems in changing official documents etc. Please can you give me a concise.. More

  • Having witnesses is neither an obligation nor a condition for divorce

    Assalam o Alaikum Few days back, I had some arguments with the wife and I said to her, you are divorced. Later, after the fight I felt sorry for that. But the mistake was initiated from her side. I went to a Sheikh and told her the situation. He replied “bring two male Muslims who witnessed your divorce” which of course I did not had. He ruled out.. More

  • Her family problems frustrate her plans to marry the man she loves

    Salam,first of all i request to give me reply.My father is living seperated from us for last 10years,My senior guy at college proposed me for mariage when i was in first year,and my family told him to wait till last these years we made phone chats and i was fully waiting for him in life,now in this fourth year,his parents are insulting my family.. More